
jiā tínɡ zuò yè
  • homework
家庭作业 [jiā tíng zuò yè]
  • [homework] 指定学生于课堂外完成的作业

  • 他匆匆地做完家庭作业,好去玩球

  1. 我还没做完地理科家庭作业呢。

    I still haven 't done my geography homework .

  2. 你做家庭作业用了多长时间?

    How long did you spend on your homework ?

  3. 我是不是听到“家庭作业”这可怕的字眼了?

    Did I hear the dreaded word ' homework ' ?

  4. 我不得不详细地写好家庭作业笔记。

    I have to write up the notes for homework .

  5. 我今晚有很多家庭作业要做。

    I 've got a lot of homework tonight .

  6. 她总是让我们做多得不得了的家庭作业。

    She always gives us far too much homework .

  7. 晚饭后我要做家庭作业。

    I 'll do my homework after supper .

  8. 难道你还没有完成家庭作业吗?

    Haven 't you finished your homework yet ?

  9. 你有多少家庭作业?

    How much homework do you get ?

  10. 凯特正忙着做家庭作业。

    Kate 's busy with her homework .

  11. 他今天免了我们的家庭作业。

    He let us off homework today .

  12. 你记得带家庭作业了吗?

    Did you remember your homework ?

  13. 家庭作业做习题一。

    Do exercise one for homework .

  14. 安妮努力帮助彼得和扎拉完成他们的家庭作业。

    Anne struggled to help Peter and Zara with their prep.

  15. 就连好学生都说上学最讨厌的就是要写家庭作业。

    Even the good students say homework is what they most dislike about school

  16. 如果你不注意的话,孩子们往往会不重视他们的家庭作业。

    If you are not careful , children tend to neglect their homework .

  17. 杰玛,你做完家庭作业了吗?

    Have you done your homework , Gemma ?

  18. 当老师布置家庭作业的时候,学生们通常觉得做作业是分内之事。

    When teachers assign homework , students usually feel an obligation to do it .

  19. 做完家庭作业后,他就睡觉了。

    After finishing his homework , he went to bed .

  20. 如果你预先把大部分家庭作业做完了,这个晚上你会玩得更开心。

    If you have completed most of the homework beforehand , you 'll enjoy the evening more .

  21. 他妈妈只得反复提醒他完成家庭作业。

    His mother has to keep after him to finish his homework .

  22. 小学生怎么架得住这么多家庭作业?

    How can the pupils cope with so much homework ?

  23. 别大惊小怪地闹了,去做你的家庭作业吧。

    Stop all this fuss and do your homework .

  24. 她一早就把家庭作业完成了。

    She completed her homework early in the morning .

  25. 约翰开始认真地学习并很快就把家庭作业做完了。

    John dug in and finished his homework quickly .

  26. 你通常什么时间做家庭作业?

    When do you usually do your homework ?

  27. 我们老师布置的家庭作业太多了。

    Our teachers assign too much homework .

  28. 我们已完成所有的家庭作业。

    We have finished overall homework .

  29. 我的家庭作业完成了。

    My homework is complete .

  30. 他们对社会戏剧事件的渴望不是——或者不仅仅是——一种分散他们对家庭作业注意力的方式,或者一种把成年人逼疯的方式。

    Their penchant for social drama is not — or not only — a way of distracting themselves from their schoolwork or of driving adults crazy .