
  • 网络A Good Year;wonderful year;It was a very good year
  1. 让事情感觉更糟的是——2012本来应该是更为美好的一年。

    Things feel all the worse because 2012 might otherwise have been a good year .

  2. 这是美好的一年。

    This is a good year .

  3. 对于提莫西·查拉梅而言,今年是美好的一年。

    It 's been a beautiful year for Timothee Chalamet .

  4. 你们过了美好的一年,快回家吧

    You have a great year , and hurry home .

  5. 我只想感谢我人生最美好的一年。

    I just wanna say thanks for the greatest year of my life .

  6. 《美好的一年》正在这家影院上映。

    Good Year is now showing at this theatre .

  7. 但我想我也度过了一个美好的一年。

    But I think I 've had a pretty good year as well .

  8. 我们发誓这是母女俩拥有的最美好的一年。

    We vowed to have the best year a mother and daughter ever had .

  9. 2006年将是美好的一年。

    2006is going to be a beautiful year .

  10. 杰夫:快一年了。对,很美好的一年。

    Jeff : nearly a year . yeah . it 's been a good year .

  11. 这是美好的一年,你会看见新的地平线,你会了解它,并且自己架设一条通往那里的路径。

    This is a splendid year to see this new horizon , to understand it and form an approach to it .

  12. 我们都很努力地让今年成为别人美好的一年,而你们正在努力!

    Were all working hard to make this an awesome year for other people , and you guys are doing it !

  13. 英国独立电影奖的约翰冯菲舍尔以及特萨考林森说:今年对于英国电影来说是非常美好的一年!

    The Mot British Independent Film Awards Johanna von Fischer & Tessa Collinson said : What a fantastic year for British film !

  14. 我相信那个进球绝对不会是我们今年的最后一个进球,而且我也相信,明年将会是美好的一年,对于阿森纳和捷克来说都是这样。

    I believe it wasn 't the last goal this year and also that next year will be a very good one for both Arsenal and the Czech Republic team .

  15. 正因如此,今年是美好的一年。正因如此,我信心满满,新的一年我们定将取得更大的成就。祝大家节日快乐!

    That 's why it 's has been a good year.And it 's why I 'm confident we 'll keep achieving big things in the New Year.So happy holidays , everybody .

  16. A妹最近在美国公告牌女性音乐人的活动中被颁奖时称2018年为“我职业生涯中最美好的一年,也是我个人生活中最糟糕的一年”。

    Grande recently called 2018 " one of the best years of my careers and the worst of my life " at a Billboard Women in Music event , where she was being honoured .

  17. 最后,我们考虑未来和美好的新一年。

    Finally , we think about the future and the great year ahead .

  18. 人生中比较美好的一个六年我留下的是一片乱码。

    The interviewer was an American man with little hair .

  19. 但有了这么美好的两周,一年有算什么呢?

    But what 's one year apart after two weeks like that together ?

  20. 我们将会过美好的一天,然后变成美好的一周再变成美好的一年,最终实现美好的一生!

    We 're going to have a good day which will turn into a good week , which will turn into a good year , which will turn into a good life !