
  • 网络home office;Family Office;SOHO
  1. 在英美烟草和奥地利的CB家庭办公室服务公司退出了拍卖后,BT投资公司是保加利亚烟草专卖公司的唯一投标者。

    BT Invest remained the only bidder for the Bulgarian tobacco monopoly after British American Tobacco and Austria-based CB Family Office Service dumped the sale .

  2. stonehage等一些理财机构按时间对家庭办公室咨询服务收费,但对特殊投资建议委托,则会根据资产规模的百分比收费。

    Some wealth managers such as stonehage charge on a time basis for family office advisory services , but charge a percentage of assets for specific investment advice mandates .

  3. 第三工作场所也常被称作“联合办公空间”,它既有传统办公室的便利设施和技术,又能拥有家庭办公室的灵活和低开销。

    The third workplace , commonly called co-working space , combines the amenities1 and technology of a traditional office with the flexibility2 and lower expense of a home office .

  4. 在距离硅谷(SiliconValley)2500多英里的费城,一名在蓬勃的应用程序大潮中引领潮头的男子坐在一间小小的家庭办公室里,办公桌下安放着一个狗窝。

    More than 2500 miles from Silicon Valley , in a small home office with a dog bed under the desk , sits a man on the cutting edge of the apps boom .

  5. 这对一些SOHO族也就是小办公室或者是家庭办公室的用户非常的方便,因为这些家庭用户只是希望能够用到DHCP和NAT的优点,但他们却没有专用的NT或Unix主机。

    This is useful in small offices and home offices where the home user can take advantage of DHCP and NAT without having an NT or UNIX server .

  6. 于新加坡成立或管理家庭办公室。

    Establishment and administration of family office in Singapore .

  7. 我应该怎样使用家庭办公室,以更好地组织我的生活呢?

    How can I use my home office to better organize my life ?

  8. 感谢收看“怎样整理家庭办公室来更好地组织自己的生活”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching how to use your home office to better organize your life .

  9. 他认为家庭办公室这一概念同时也把那些回家还工作的人形容出来了。

    He thinks the home office concept is a metaphor for the home office worker .

  10. 这是一个家庭办公室,因此我能自由布置自己的工作环境。

    Now this was a home office , so I had freedom over my environment .

  11. 约54000000人至少在家庭办公室做部分工作。

    And about 54 million people do at least some work from a home office .

  12. 新房子里有一道双重门,将家人的房间与我的家庭办公室分割开来。

    We have a double doorway that divides the family room and my home office .

  13. 在家庭办公室,您会经常创建及接收电子邮件、演示及文档。

    In your home office , you 're constantly creating and receiving emails , presentations and documents .

  14. 这也难怪,当您在大鼠的布线在家庭办公室巢看看。

    It 's no wonder when you look at the rat 's nest of wiring in home offices .

  15. 在她们临时的家庭办公室里,“鼠标主妇”平均每周用在电脑上的时间为6小时8分钟。

    The average mousewife spends six hours and eight minutes a week on computer-based jobs in make-shift home offices .

  16. 凯勒的工作是设计家庭办公室&在家中单辟出一定空间或是干脆将家变成办公室。

    James Keller designs home offices – spaces in existing rooms or entire rooms dedicated to working from home .

  17. 高高的砖墙面对着两个临街立面,隐藏了后面入口大厅和家庭办公室的玻璃墙。

    Tall brick walls front the two street-facing elevations and conceal glazed walls to the entrance hall and home office .

  18. 在没有任何外界压力的情况下,你需要大量的自我约束来让自己一直坐在自己的家庭办公室工作。

    You need a lot of self-discipline to sit down in your home office and work without any external pressure .

  19. 如果你通常上午八点到办公室,就在同一时间到你的家庭办公室报道。

    If you usually get into the office at 8 AM , report to your home office at the same time .

  20. 以家庭办公室为主要组织形式,向富裕人士提供高品质金融服务,是私人银行的重要特征。

    Taking family offices as main means , supplying HNWIs with supreme financial services , are key characteristics of private banking .

  21. 由于使用了富于动感的建筑构件和现代家具,使这个家庭办公室变得简洁而新潮。

    Because was used , abound move the building component part of feeling and contemporary furniture , make this family office becomes concise and trendy .

  22. 在任何语言中,办公室玩具都是指摆放于(工作场所或家庭办公室的)办公桌上、用于把玩的物件。

    In any language , executive toy refers to an object that sits on a desk in a workplace or home office and is fiddled with .

  23. 对销售水平影响最大的是企业级的产品,其次是针对小型办公室和家庭办公室用户的相关产品。

    The most significant impact on sales levels came from the enterprise class of products , followed by products targeting the Small Office Home Office users .

  24. 比如,如果你想成为一名作家,就发送一个你想象中的家庭办公室图像或一本书的封面。

    For example , if you want to become a novelist , post an image of your dream home office or the front cover of a book .

  25. 一旦按照自己的想法安置好,贴好标签,这样你就知道怎样处理进入你的家庭办公室的所有文件了。

    Once you have everything where you like it , label it so you know exactly what to do with anything that floats into your home office .

  26. 在任何语言中,“办公室玩具”都是指摆放于(工作场所或家庭办公室的)办公桌上、用于把玩的物件。

    In any language , " executive toy " refers to an object that sits on a desk in a workplace or home office and is fiddled with .

  27. 随着越来越多的公司为员工提供远程办公,更多的办公室都成为家庭办公室。

    As more companies offer telecommuting as an option to their employees , more jobs once reserved for the office cubicle are making the leap to the home office .

  28. 拥有一间家庭办公室是非常舒服的,但是如果你想要的东西找不到,没有任何办公空间,这简直就是灾难,可没有那么好了。

    Having a home office is great , but it 's less great when it 's such a disaster that you can 't find anything and have no workspace .

  29. 比如由备用卧室改造而成的家庭办公室,起居室角落里的一张桌子,甚至餐厅的桌子。

    It could be a spare bedroom that you 've turned into a home office , a desk located in the corner of the living room or even the dining room table .

  30. 例如,当人们能控制在何时何地工作(家庭办公室,弹性时间),甚至能控制他们准备什么时候看电视节目时,时间将失去其控制力。

    Time loses its grip when , for example , people control when and where they work ( home offices , flextime ) and even when they are ready to watch a TV show .