
jiā shi
  • ultensils, furniture, etc;household;furniture and utensils;welfare;utensil
家什 [jiā shí]
  • (1) [household;furniture and utensils]∶家庭用具;器物;家具

  • 锣鼓家什

  • (2) [welfare]∶个人有用的东西的总和

家什[jiā shi]
  1. 厨房里的家什擦得很干净。

    The kitchen furnishings have all been wiped clean .

  2. 我去哪放我的家什呢?

    I mean , where am I going to put my stuff ?

  3. “我们把家什拿回家去吧,”孩子说。

    " Let us take the stuff home ," the boy said .

  4. 我要把这家什移开。

    I 'm going to try to move this .

  5. 你把那木家什漆得很好。

    You 've painted the woodwork very nicely .

  6. 他们在公园附近有一处很好的房子,阿拉丁的母亲也有了不少漂亮的家什。

    They had a nice house near the gardens and she had many beautiful things .

  7. “我们把家什放在船里,然后喝一点吧。”

    " We 'll put the gear in the boat and then get some . "

  8. 我小跑去关窗,收下晒衣绳上的衣物,收拾好院子里的家什。

    I rush to close the windows , empty the clothesline , securethe patio furnishings .

  9. 我急忙跑上去关上窗户,收下晾晒的衣服,安顿好露台上的家什。

    I rush to close the windows , empty the clothesline , secure the patio furnishings .

  10. 那就找个锋利点的家什。

    Get yourself a sharper tool .

  11. 房子仅仅是当你外出为争得更多家什的时候,为你保管财物的地方。

    A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff .

  12. 他说一切用得上的家什都在船上整整齐齐摆着。鱼饵也有人去捞了。

    He said the gear was all in good shape on the boat and he had a boy out after bait .

  13. 科尼太太连忙返回了自己的房间,班布尔先生仍在这儿用羡慕的眼光欣赏着她屋里的家什,数着喝茶用的银勺。

    Mrs Corney hurried back to her room , where Mr Bumble was still admiring her furniture and counting her silver tea-spoons .

  14. 要想成为这样的人,你需要满足几点要求:要乐于摆脱身外之物,不再积累更多家什;

    Should you want to become one , a few requirements : Be willing to cast off your stuff and accumulate no more ;

  15. 她又想,那么大一幢房子,总该有些家什,不然显得空空荡荡的。

    In addition , she thought that there ought to be some furniture in the big house , or it would seem too empty .

  16. 老人把绕着帆的桅杆靠在墙上,孩子把木箱和其他家什搁在它的旁边。

    The old man leaned the mast with its wrapped sail against the wall and the boy put the box and the other gear beside it .

  17. 他每天还从不少渔夫存放家什的棚屋中一只大圆桶里舀一杯鲨鱼肝油喝。

    He also drank a cup of shark liver oil each day from the big drum in the shack where many of the fishermen kept their gear .

  18. 她很擅长缝连补缀,一旦买不起新家什,她便扯些蓝布头,自裁自缝出个布套子把旧家什装扮上。

    She pretty good with the sewing machine . Anything she can 't buy new of , she just get her some blue material and sew it a cover .

  19. 有一只猫,听说饲养场有几只鸡病了,就乔扮成医生模样,带上看病家什,去探望病鸡。

    A cat learning that there were some sick chickens in a small farm disguised himself as a doctor and taking with him the tools of the trade called on them .

  20. 不一会儿,他的上身全都是小红点了,那些小红点让他瘙痒难耐,他不得不放下手里的家什,专心地挠痒。

    In a while , he had little red dots all over his upper body , and they itched so much he had to put down his tools and concentrate on his scratching .

  21. 如果是奴隶,他只需付给奴隶主相当于该奴隶的一半身价&可怜的奴隶的身价不会超过一件家什。

    If the doctor brought about the loss of a slave 's eye he had merely to pay the master half the value of the slave & the wretched slave counting no more than a chattel .