
jiā jū chén shè
  • home furnishings
  1. 逐一论述不同生活方式在家居陈设中的表现,分析其特征背后的成因。

    One by one in their own way of life in the performance of home furnishings , etc. are analyzed the underlying causes .

  2. 其核心议题是:生活方式在家居陈设设计中如何体现?家居陈设又是如何影响并促进人类生活方式的和谐发展的?所谓物以类聚,人以群分。

    The core problem is that is : life in the home furnishings design to embody ? Home furnishings is how they affect and promote the harmonious development of the human way of life ?

  3. 创意独具的家居陈设(四)

    Furnishings of Unique Originality ( Part 4 )

  4. 创意独具的家居陈设

    Furnishings of Unique Originality

  5. 居室内艺术陶瓷陈设家居空间的绿化陈设

    Analysing art pottery furnishings in the living room green furnishings in a home

  6. 家居空间的绿化陈设

    Green Furnishings in A Home

  7. 公司产品是家居装饰、室内陈设,商务礼品、个人收藏的上好选择,同时公司可为企业客户提供商务礼品个性定制服务。

    The artworks are the best choice for upholster , home life decoration , business present and personal collection , meanwhile , we provide customized artworks for clients .

  8. 本文主体部分分别从家居环境的特定空间和特定人群的家居环境两方面对生活方式与家居陈设进行研究分析。

    The so-called " feather flock together , people into groups . " This article from the home environment were the main parts of a specific space and specific populations of home environment in the right lifestyle and home furnishings to conduct research and analysis .