
  • 网络Pot-Bouille
  1. 不要在家常琐事上浪费时间。

    Don 't waste time on domestic trivialities .

  2. 他妻子觉得精神方面受到了婚后家常琐事的束缚。

    His wife feels spiritually fettered by the pots-and-pans pattern of married life .

  3. 诗人把日常的事变为普遍性的事。信中多是家常琐事。

    The poet metamorphoses the everyday into the universal . Many of the subjects dealt with in the letters are about mundane domestic matters .

  4. 与大多数普通家庭一样,我们也是每天都忙于纷杂的琐事。信中多是家常琐事。

    Like most typical families , we are quite busy with a myriad of things each day . Many of the subjects dealt with in the letters are about mundane domestic matters .

  5. 当然,男人在做家常琐事时,也需要女人对等的参与,但他如果没有受到感激,她的参与反而会显得没有意义,对他完全不重要。

    Certainly a man also requires equal participation from a woman in doing the domestic duties of day ? To ? Day life , but if he is not appreciated , then her contribution is nearly meaningless and completely unimportant to him .