
  1. 该酒店的顶级套房也即将开业,该套房的住客将可欣赏专属烟花表演。

    Guests of the hotel 's soon-to-open top suite will also receive a private fireworks show .

  2. 不知道这究竟意味着自由客将放弃强悍的越野能力,乖乖地变身成另一台跨界车?

    Does this mean the liberty will forego its Rubicon rating and become just another crossover ?

  3. 帕尔默说,三个不同等级舱位的船客将不能像1912年时那样可以互相走动。

    The three passenger classes , however , will be prevented from mingling , as in 1912 , Palmer said .

  4. 《南华早报》Facebook页面上的一幅照片显示客人们将纸币塞进酒店职员的小费盒。

    A picture posted on the Metropark 's Facebook page showed guests slipping notes into a tip box for the hotel staff .

  5. 当在旅游家庭举办的宴会结束时,邀请的旅游客人们将不会离开。

    Vacation guests no longer leave when a party at a vacation home ends .

  6. 当新的民行航大楼启用后,这个机场的客容量将增大百分之二十。

    When the new terminal is on stream , the airport 's capacity will be 20 % greater .

  7. 上海机场集团官员表示,这两座新卫星厅作为现有候机楼的延伸,总建筑面积达62.2万平方米,建成后,浦东机场的年客流量将从今年的6000万人次提升至8000万人次。

    The two new satellite halls , an extension of the existing terminals , will cover 622000 sqm and boost airport capacity to 80m passengers annually , an increase over this year 's 60m , Shanghai Airport Authority officials said .

  8. 国际航空运输协会还预测,中国将在2030年之前超越美国,成为全球最大的航空市场;到2034年,中国每年的客流量将达到13亿人次,领先于美国的12亿人次。

    By the IATA 's estimate , China will overtake the U.S. as the world 's biggest air travel market by 2030 , and have 1.3 billion passengers a year by 2034 , ahead of the U.S. " s 1.2 billion .

  9. 本周,《纽约客》将发表普雷斯顿对于埃博拉病毒的最新报道,该文描绘了科学家如何给这种病毒的基因组进行测序,还穿插了一名大夫在一线如何治疗这种疾病却注定失败的故事。

    This week , The New Yorker is publishing Mr. Preston 's latest reporting on the virus , a dispatch about the efforts to sequence its genome intertwined with a narrative about a doctor 's doomed effort to treat the disease on the front lines .

  10. 欧洲保险集团&苏黎世金融服务集团(ZurichFinancialServices)预计,其未来的中国业务发展,除现有的在华外企客户外,将主要依赖中国国内企业的海外活动。

    Zurich Financial Services , the European insurance group , expects its future China business to rely heavily on Chinese domestic enterprises ' activities overseas , in addition to its existing client base of foreign corporations .

  11. 第二条跑道建成后,机场的客载量将可进一步提高,运作也会更为灵活。

    Upon completion of the second runway the airport s capacity and operating flexibility will increase further .

  12. 该机场曾被认为将于今年超过哈兹菲尔德·杰克逊机场,但是报告中写道,由于中国经济放缓和产能限制联合作用,该机场客流量增长将有所降低。

    Beijing 's airport came a close second and was expected to beat Hartsfield Jackson this year , however the reports states that " the combination of a Chinese slowdown and capacity constraints has meant lower growth levels at the airport . "

  13. 铁路枢纽性城市衔接的线路数量得以不同程度的增加,路网结构不断趋于合理,服务水平明显得到提升,客流量也将随之呈跳跃式的增加。

    The number of railway lines to link up hub cities has been increased by different degree . The structure for road network has been more rational , the service quality has been obviously improved and the traffic flow has been jumped up accordingly .

  14. 2006年,位于费城的自助餐厅经营者爱玛客(Aramark)将SeamlessWeb收入囊中,后者当时已然是美国企业员工主要的餐饮提供商。

    By 2006 , when Philadelphia-based cafeteria operator ARAMARK bought the startup , it was the de facto meal provider for American corporate workers .

  15. 您可以要求代客泊车服务,将您的汽车停放在车库中。

    For our guests'cars , we have an agreement with a parking garage in the close vicinity .

  16. 一个主要的丑闻涉及疗养院住客刑事喂药,将在西方世界揭开。

    A major scandal involving the criminal drugging of nursing home residents will unfold in the western world .