
kè tǐ
  • object
客体 [kè tǐ]
  • [object] 哲学术语,指存在于主体之外的客观事物

客体[kè tǐ]
  1. 该逻辑分析假定主体与客体是分开的。

    This logical analysis presumes the separation of subject from object .

  2. 基于客体扩展的RBAC模型研究

    A RBAC model based on extended object

  3. 可分解为经济主体合法、经济权限合法和经济客体合法三个方面。

    It can be divided into the legality of economic subjects , the legality of economic limits of authority and the legality of economic objects .

  4. 当饭碗被推到桌子边缘然后掉在地上——在此过程中,它带来了一个重要的证据,即物理客体如何反应;饭碗不会浮在空中,而是需要支撑才可以放在桌面上。

    Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge , it falls in the ground-and , in the process , it belongs out important evidence about how physical objects interact ; bowls of rice do not flood in mid-sit , but require support to remain stable .

  5. LED显示屏复现的颜色范围一般在基色所构成的色度三角形中,但它并不能真实地反映客体的颜色。

    In general , the color range that a LED image display can produce is in the chromaticity_coordinate triangle formed by primary colors .

  6. 手性SalenZn配合物的合成及对咪唑类、吡啶类客体的分子识别研究

    Synthesis and Molecular Recognition of Chiral Salen Zn with Imidazoles and Pyridines

  7. FTO客体3m闪光照相的Monte-Carlo研究

    Monte-Carlo research of flash radiography about FTO at 3m to the target

  8. 考察等亮度条件下新旧客体之间的范畴关系对预搜索(previewsearch)的影响。

    The effect of categorical relationship between old and new objects on preview search at isoluminance was studied . The categorical stimuli were letters and numbers .

  9. 这种主客体相互作用不仅受客体尺寸、极性和电性等自身因素的影响,而且受体系的温度、pH值、介质极性以及场效应等外界环境的影响。

    This host-guest interaction is affected not only by guest 's polarity and size but also by the environment of medium such as temperature , pH , polarity and radiative stimulation .

  10. SBA-15介孔分子筛及其主-客体复合材料研究的某些进展

    Some Development of Studies on SBA-15 Molecular Sieve and Its Host-Guest Composite Materials

  11. 由全形态Voronoi图的基本定义和旅游区划的内容可以看出,全形态Voronoi图最为适合这种地理客体的空间吸引范围的划分。

    Comparing the concept of voronoi diagram to the district partition of tourism resource , it can find voronoi diagram is very fit .

  12. 采用紫外可见光谱滴定法测定了β环糊精(βCD)在10℃,不同pH值条件下包合苯丁酸氮芥(CHL)的稳定常数,探索了主客体分子间的作用机理。

    UV-vis spectrophotometric titration was used to calculate the stability constants of an inclusion complex of β - cyclodextrins (β - CD ) with chlorambucil ( CHL ) in different pH buffer solutions at 10 ℃ .

  13. 测定了结合常数(Ka)和自由能变化(△G°),结果表明,所有的分子钳受体与所考察的客体分子均形成1∶1型超分子配合物。

    The association constant ( K_a ) and Gibbs free energy changes (△ G °) have been calculated . The results show that all the molecular tweezers ( 1 ~ 7 ) can form 1 ∶ 1 inclusion complexes with guest molecules .

  14. 具有催化、吸附、离子交换等功能的层状结构的双氢氧化物(LDHs)是近年来主客体化学研究领域的一个热点。

    The research for host-guest chemistry is focused on catalyzing , adsorbing and ion-exchanging of layered double hydroxides ( LDHs ) in the last few years .

  15. 结果表明,主客体之间形成了1:1或1:2的超分子配合物;这些超分子配合物中的主要识别推动力是静电相互作用、π-πstacking作用、氢键等。

    The results show that the host compounds form 1:1 or 1:2 supramolecular complexes with the guestes . The experimental results indicate that the molecular recognition is mainly due to electrostatic force , n-n stacking and hydrogen bond .

  16. 然而,RBAC和GRBAC本质上是建立在静态的主体-客体访问控制思想之上的,难以满足动态访问控制的要求。

    However , RBAC and GRBAC are difficult to meet dynamic access control requirements because they are essentially established on the static subject-object view .

  17. Reber(1967)首先提出内隐学习这个概念,内隐学习是一种产生抽象知识、平行于外显学习方式的无意识过程,或者说是对客体或者事物之间结构关系的无意识获得。

    Reber ( 1967 ) firstly advanced the conception of implicit learning . Implicit learning is an unconscious process in which abstract knowledge produces going with the explicit learning .

  18. 针对经典的BLP模型无法控制间接信息流的缺点,借鉴信息流模型的思想,在系统状态中增加记忆分量,记录主体所读的客体,控制信息向安全的方向流动。

    In order to control the indirect information flow , this paper employs the idea of the information flow model , and adds the memorial factor in the system states to record the read objects and to control the direction of information flow .

  19. 依据插层组装理论,以阴离子层状材料镁铝水滑石(MgAl-LDH)为插层主体,以除草剂草甘膦为插层客体,由共沉淀法一步组装得到超分子结构草甘膦插层镁铝水滑石(MgAl-LDH-gly)。

    On the basis of the concept of intercalation and assembly , glyphosate anion intercalated magnesium-aluminum layered double hydroxides ( abbreviated as MgAl-LDH-gly ) has been prepared by coprecipitation .

  20. 根据哲学、认知心理学及认知语言学(CollinsQuillian,1969;Lakoff,GM.Johnson,1980),人类思维的基本单位是概念,概念把物质世界和心理世界中的客体、事件和内在关系联系和组织起来。

    According to philosophy , cognitive psychology and cognitive linguistics ( Collins Quillian , 1969 ; Lakoff , G M. Johnson , 1980 ), the basic unit of human thinking is concept , which connects the physical world with the objects , events and interior relation of mental world .

  21. 这是一种主体客体主体的教学交往实践结构。

    This is a " subject-object-subject " teaching communication practice structure .

  22. 评价客体受规限较多,形成失败型体验。

    Evaluation objects are limited so much that they experience failure .

  23. 载体是联系主体与客体的中介。

    The carrier is the medium that connects subject with object .

  24. 每个人都可以利用这些利益客体追求各自的利益。

    Each person can use these interest objects to seek respective interests .

  25. 该客体的出现是其意义的证实。

    The object 's advent is the significance 's verification .

  26. 世界被分成主体与客体。

    That the world is divided into subjects and objects .

  27. 黑格尔阐述了主客体的双向运动。

    Friedrich Hegel expounds the two-way motion of the subject and object .

  28. 在物理教学中,科学探究与知识建构统一于有意义学习理论:学习者通过科学探究活动获取有意义的学习材料,体现了认知主体与客体的互动;

    In physics teaching , it can be united in meaningful learning .

  29. 个体自我评价活动中主体与客体直接同一,典型地体现着自我评价活动所具有的特点。

    The subject and the object are identified during the self-evaluation activities .

  30. 保险诈骗罪的同类客体是社会主义市场经济秩序。

    The kindred object of insurance defraud is socialist market economy order .