
kè ɡuān shì wù
  • objective things/reality
客观事物 [kè guān shì wù]
  • [objective things;objective reality] 特指有别于思想的外界事物

  1. 兴趣是指个人对客观事物的选择性态度,准确地度量用户浏览兴趣是Web使用模式挖掘的基础。

    The interest is the selectivity attitude of objective matter of a person , and measuring user 's browse interest exactly is the base of Web schema mining .

  2. 但是随着AHP理论的发展和实际应用的要求,人们将模糊思想和方法引入到层次分析法中,这正好符合人类思维和客观事物本身所具有的模糊性。

    With the development of AHP theory and the actual requirements of applications , the fuzzy idea and fuzzy method are introduced to AHP , which is in accord with the fuzziness of human being 's thought and objective reality .

  3. 好奇心是人类对客观事物的一种自觉意识、自觉心理。

    Curiosity is a kind of voluntary consciousness and voluntary psychology .

  4. 他们每个人都对客观事物有不同的理解。

    Everybody has a different understanding of how things should be .

  5. 价格与价值&评价客观事物的内核

    The Price and the Value-a Core to Evaluate the Objective Thing

  6. 感知是人类认识客观事物的开端。

    Perception is the beginning of human understanding of the world .

  7. 客观事物通过主体得以反映有一个成相的过程。

    Objective things reflected by subject have a course of generating pictures .

  8. 客观事物本来就是如此。

    This is just how things are in objective reality .

  9. 把客观事物进行分类整理,在科学上一直十分重要。

    Classification of things has always been important in science .

  10. 图像性绘画强调图像在先,图像特别是摄影图像本身就是客观事物本身。

    Images , especially photographic images are the scenes themselves .

  11. 知觉是对客观事物整体属性的认识。

    Consciousness is the global properties of objective thing understanding .

  12. 第三部分&尼采的认识论思想评析,首先指出尼采的认识论思想本质上是唯心主义的,它否认了事物的真实性、否认认识是对客观事物的反映、否认客观真理;

    The third part & Nietzsche 's epistemology thought evaluation and analysis .

  13. 视频、图像是对客观事物形象、生动的描述。

    Visions and images are the vivid descriptions of objects .

  14. 从名实之争看先秦诸子对语言与客观事物关系的探讨

    Pre-Qin philosophers ' ideas on relationship between language and objects

  15. 需要是在一定的生活条件下,主体对客观事物的需求。

    Demand is the need for the objects under certain living conditions .

  16. 采用什么方法对客观事物进行分类?

    What method is used in objective thing classification ?

  17. 情感是人们对客观事物的态度体验。

    Affection is the experience of attitude of people toward the objective matters .

  18. 客观事物总是相互联系的。

    There always are connections between the objective things .

  19. 既便如此,它也仅仅是对客观事物镜像的一次折射,从而完成自己社会公器的使命。

    Even so , it can only fulfill its duty as a mirror .

  20. 错觉,是在特定条件下产生的对客观事物不正确的知觉。

    Illusion is the wrong feeling to the matters in the special conditions .

  21. 预测的概念是随着人类对客观事物的认识的深入而不断发展的。

    The conception of prediction constantly changes with deeper human understanding of objective things .

  22. 人类的某一感官不可能同时感知整个客观事物,只能感知它的部分属性。

    The human sensory can only sense the part attributes of the whole things .

  23. 指出情感是人对客观事物的态度体验和相应的行为反应。

    Emotion is the attitude , experience , and corresponding action on subjective matters .

  24. 模糊性是人类思维和客观事物普遍具有的属性之一。

    Fuzziness is one of the general characteristics of human thinking and objective things .

  25. 人作为认识主体具有能够认识客观事物本质的理性。

    As knowing subject , human being has rationality in knowing essential of objective things .

  26. 恪守法律和原则规范的自律素质。创新的客体环境包括客观事物存在的实际、市场的需求实际及政府政策行为实际。

    The objective environment refers to the objective reality , market demand and government 's policies .

  27. 包括物自体(客观事物)、时间、空间和环境等。

    Here , objective condition includes an object itself , time , space , circumstances , etc.

  28. 信息是人们认识事物的媒介,它与其他客观事物一样也有其基本属性。

    Information is the media for people to know something and it has its own character .

  29. 真理是对客观事物及其规律的客观而具体的正确反映。

    Truth is an objective , concrete and correct reflection for objective things and their laws .

  30. 认识这个局限对于认识体育客观事物是有益的,同时也利于体育统计方法的发展和完善。

    Such recognition is also beneficial to the further development and perfection of sports statistics itself .