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ɡuān jué
  • Official rank;rank of an official and title of nobility
官爵 [guān jué]
  • [official ranking and titular honors] 官职爵位

  • 倘若不知,一时触犯了这样的人家,不但官爵,只怕连性命也难保呢!--《红楼梦》

  1. “若不知,一时触犯了这样的人家,不但官爵,只怕连性命还保不成呢!”

    " Because if unknowingly you offend one of these families , you may lose not only your post but your life as well . "

  2. 用官爵、钱物笼络各宗族部族的大小首领为其保卫国家和统治人民服务;土官是世袭其职的少数民族首领。

    Money to win the leaders of all clansman and tribes to service for their country ; Local tyrant was the hereditary chieftain of China 's minority ethnic groups in the ancient times .

  3. 所以,牌坊常被用来夸耀标榜功名、官爵、家世、身份、地位、功勋、门第、荣誉及所受帝王的恩宠等等。

    Therefore , the Church is often used to boast advertised fame , official post , family background , identity , status , contributions , birth , honor and grace of the emperor suffered more .