
  • 网络College Community
  1. 在我们的会谈中,您说您一直在寻找熟悉湖北科技学院社区的人选。

    During our conversation you said you were looking for someone familiar with Hubei Technology College community .

  2. 田纳西州的技术学院和社区学院不会将其设施管理外包给一家私人公司,该决定被一份各所高校的出分析报告所支持,一位领导说道。

    Tennessee 's technical and community colleges will not outsource management of their facilities to a private company , a decision one leader said was bolstered by an analysis of spending at each campus .

  3. 学院式社区护理模式在中国的应用&北京西三旗社区护理中心

    An Academic Nursing Center in China : Beijing Xi Sanqi Nursing Center

  4. 美国社区学院的社区教育及几点思考

    American Community Education in Community Colleges and Several Reflections

  5. 职业技术学院、社区大学以及贸易协会都会提供不同类别的证书课程。

    Vocational schools , community colleges , and trade associations offer certificate programs in each skill .

  6. 从哈佛学院到社区学院&美国高等教育模式演进历程浅析

    From Harvard College to Community College & Interpretation of the Evolution Process of Higher Education In America

  7. 学院式社区护理中心集服务、教学、科研于一体,是目前较为新颖的一种社区护理模式。

    Implement the System of Community Manager in All Directions Inaugurate a New Developmental Way for the Enterprise ;

  8. 美国政府和学院为社区学院计划项目支付费用。

    The United States government and the colleges pay the costs in a program called the Community College Initiative .

  9. 路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的杜兰大学和公共健康&热带医学学院的社区健康科学和生物统计部门;

    Departments of a Community Health Sciences and d Biostatistics , School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine , Tulane University , New Orleans , Louisiana ;

  10. 了解有关加拿大的大学、学院、社区学校、技术学校、中等学校、夏令营及语言学校。

    Learn about universities , University colleges , community colleges , technical institutes , career colleges , secondary schools , summer camps , and language schools in canada .

  11. 社区学院是社区教育的中心,它在促进社区建设和发展、在构建终身教育体系中具有不可替代的作用。

    Being the center of the community education , the community college plays a great role in the development of the community construction and the building of life-long education system .

  12. .在美国,两年制的学院也叫做社区学院。

    Two-year colleges in the United States are also known as community colleges .

  13. 高校与社区文化建设&以湖北师范学院学生深入社区实践为例

    The university and community cultural construction

  14. 论文首先对社区、社区学院、美国社区学院、课程、课程设置等概念内涵入行了界定。

    First , the thesis defines the concept of connotation on the community , community college , American Community College , curriculum , curriculum provision and so on .

  15. 本文介绍了加拿大社区学院及加拿大社区学院协会的概况,并就中加职业技术学院的教育合作的有效途径作了初步探析。

    This paper offers a brief introduction to the overview of Canadian Community Colleges ( CCC ) as well as their Association ( ACCC ), thereby makes in principle an analysis on the educational collaboration possibilities between Sino-Canadian vocational and technical colleges .

  16. 美国乡村社区学院数量占美国社区学院一半以上。

    More than half of the American community colleges are in rural areas .

  17. 奥巴马总统正在宣传他的改革和加强社区学院的主张。社区学院提供各种职业培训。

    The president is promoting his initiative to reform and strengthen community colleges , which offer training in various trades and professions .

  18. 并以美国的格林弗尔特社区学院和科斯特莱恩社区学院为例,介绍了美国的两种发展模式,为杨凌构建教育型社区提供借鉴。

    And to the Greenfield Community College and the Coastline Community College of the United States as an example , introduce two development model of the USA , as the reference for constructing the educational community of Yang Ling .

  19. 社区学院是设立于社区、由地方教育行政机构认可并接受其监督,主要为所在社区成员提供高等教育、职业技术教育或社会性的文化生活教育等方而服务的教育和培训实体。

    The community college is an education and training entity which set up in community . It is approved and supervised by Administrative Department of Education . It is mainly provide the community members with higher education , vocational and technical education or social and cultural education .

  20. 麻省理工学院住房项目致力于在麻省理工学院社区提高对贫困人群居住问题的认识,并鼓励大家参加服务项目。

    MIT Habitat seeks to raise awareness in the MIT community about poverty housing issues , and to encourage participation in service events .

  21. 正是这种独特的课程职能体系,从根本上将社区学院与其他高等教育机构区别开来,并成为美国社区学院平民性和社区性等特征的重要基础。

    It is the unique curriculum function system that distinguishes American community colleges from other higher education institutions and that will become the important basis of other characters such as that of civilian and community in American community colleges .