
  • 网络The Academy;College Hotel;Academie Hotel
  1. 订单式教育模式的三大利益相关者&上海商学院酒店管理专业校企合作办学原因分析

    The Stakeholders of Order-Education : a Research on the Reason for SBS - Hotel Cooperation

  2. 近年来,青岛酒店管理职业技术学院酒店专业的发展不断扩大,而全国各高职院校行业内的竞争日益激烈。

    In recent years , Qingdao hotel management professional technology institute hotel professional development constantly expanding , and the national vocational colleges increasingly fierce competition within the industry .

  3. 高灵敏度激光光谱学高等教育水平,比如大学、高等学院或酒店学校等。

    High sensitive laser spectroscopy Undergraduate degree from an accredited university , college or hotel school .

  4. 卢西亚尼拥有瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院的酒店管理学位和国际贸易学位。

    Luciani holds a degree in hotel management from The Lausanne Hotel School in Switzerland as well as a degree in international trade .

  5. 在对酒店管理专业社会人才需求进行预测和分析的基础上,安徽工业经济职业技术学院启动了酒店管理专业的2+1教学改革。

    Based on analysis and prediction of talents need of restaurant management specialty in society , Anhui Vocational and Technical College of Industrial Economy has launched " 2 + 1 " teaching reform of restaurant management specialty .