
  • 网络school psychology
  1. 2008年发表于《学校心理学杂志》(JournalofSchoolPsychology)的一项研究报告对221名六年级和七年级的学生进行了分析,他们被要求在两周时间里每天列出为之心存感恩的五件事情。

    A 2008 study of 221 kids published in the Journal of School Psychology analyzed sixth - and seventh-graders assigned to list five things they were grateful for every day for two weeks .

  2. 美国学校心理学的发展

    The current trends on school psychology in the United States

  3. 将于2014年发表在《学校心理学评论》(SchoolPsychologyReview)上的一项研究报告显示,一个由122名小学生组成的小组在接受了为期一周的有关付出的课程后,感恩心态有所增强。

    Among a group of 122 elementary school kids taught a weeklong curriculum on concepts around giving , gratitude grew , according to a study due to be published in 2014 in School Psychology Review .

  4. 新时期学校心理学工作者角色功能探析

    New approach to the role of school psychological teaching staff

  5. 儿童欺负行为是发展心理学和学校心理学研究中的一个重要课题。

    Adolescent bullying is an important subject in developmental psychology and school psychology .

  6. 国外学校心理学的发展及其对我国特殊教育的启示

    Development of School Psychology in Foreign Countries and Suggestions for Chinese Special Education

  7. 最后,对如何建立建设我国学校心理学提出了建议。

    At last , the paper presented some suggestions on the establishment Chinese school psychology .

  8. “督导见习”是培养与发展学校心理学者实践能力的一项有效的制度。

    The " internship " is an effective rule to cultivate and develop school psychologists'practical abilities .

  9. 本文对美国学校心理学学科发展及其在学校教育工作中的应用情况作简要评介。

    This paper presents a description about the trends of school psychology in the United States .

  10. 二是我国的学校心理学必须有中国特色,必须适合中国的国情和教育状况。

    Chinese School psychology must bear Chinese characteristics and suited to the Chinese national and educational conditions .

  11. 学校心理学专业化

    School Psychologist as a Profession

  12. 本文还概述了学校心理学在智力甑别、社会适应、教学咨询和职业指导方面的作用;

    Its roles in diagnoses of intelligence , socialadaptibility , education counselling and vocational guidance are sketched .

  13. 有关注意缺损多动障碍的评估一直存在着生理-心理学测评和学校心理学的行为评价的不同取向。

    The assessment of ADHD has always two tropisms of physiological-psychological assessment and behavior assessment in school psychology .

  14. 摘要学校心理学在美国中小学教育系统中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    School psychology plays important roles in the system of the primary and secondary schools of the United states .

  15. 学校心理学的中国化有两层含义:一是中国必须引进学校心理学;

    By the Chinese type of school psychology we mean that : 1 . school psychology must be introduced into China ;

  16. 然后文章简单讨论了学校心理学在我国发展的条件和现状。

    Thus , a discussion is addressed to explore the conditions of developing school psychology services in China and its current status .

  17. 研究结果将丰富学校心理学中教师心理研究的内容,为教师的专业成长和教师心理健康服务。

    The results will enrich the content of the teacher 's psychological research in school psychology and help the professional development and mental health for the teachers .

  18. 美国学校心理学是心理学的理论与实践和教育实践逐渐结合的产物,其发展过程经历了不少艰难与曲折。

    American School Psychology was the gradual result of combining theory and practice of psychology and educational practice . It experienced a lot of difficulties and setbacks during its development .

  19. 本文分别介绍了生理-心理学中对抑制功能的认知加工能力测评的取向和学校心理学中重视适应环境的行为水平的测评取向,指出了两种取向的优点和不足。

    This article first introduces in the field of physiological psychology , the assessment tropism of cognitive process ability to inhibition function and in the field of school psychology , the assessment tropism which is environment adaptation oriented .

  20. 学校心理学服务是指应用心理测量、心理咨询、心理治疗和其他心理学知识解决学生的心理健康问题和教育工作者面对的心理问题,促进学生和教师适应学校生活的专业服务。

    School psychological service is a professional service . It applies psychological test , the psychological counseling , psychotherapy and other psychology knowledge to solve the psychological problems , which students and teachers face , and make students and teachers adapt the school life .

  21. 《韦氏儿童智力量表-第四版》于2003年在北美公开发行和使用以来,得到众多学校心理学、儿童心理学和临床心理学专家的好评。

    Since the publication and use of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition ( WISC-IV ) in North America in 2003 , numerous school psychologists , child psychologists , and clinical psychologists have made positive comments on its clinical utility and ecological validity .

  22. 除心理测评外,学校心理学工作者还应对学生、教师、学校领导、家庭及社会等进行评估,以专业的学术视野,并以专业的运作方式发挥作用,从而达到其教育功能的最优化。

    Therefore , this paper points out that psychological teaching staff should appraise students , teachers , school leaders , society and so on , and they should try their best to achieve the optimization of education by adopting methods of their fields and professional academic vision .

  23. 学校管理心理学教学方法与教学手段的改革与发展

    The Reform and Development of Teaching Method and Means of School Administration Psychology

  24. 从学校管理心理学需要的角度出发,研究了激励机制的作用。

    The function of inspiring is discussed in this paper which is based on the " need " of campus management psychology .

  25. 长期以来由于受传统的教育思想及教育模式的影响,学校管理心理学的教学方法与教学手段仍然局限于灌输知识、讲解理论,虽然学术味道十足,却忽略了本学科自身的性质、特点。

    Teaching method and means of School Administration Psychology are still confined to irrigating knowledge and explaining theories because of traditional thoughts and models of education , which ignore the nature and characteristics of the subject though filled with savor of science .

  26. 所有我离开了讲台,回到学校继续攻读心理学硕士学位。

    So I left the classroom , and I went to graduate school to become a psychologist .

  27. 在日本的学校中,学校心理学模式、社区心理学模式、短期治疗模式和叙事治疗等四种模式比较多的为学校临床心理士们所关注。

    In the clinical practice of Japanese schools , the four modes of school counseling , community counseling , brief therapy and narrative therapy arrest lots of the attention of the school psychotherapists .

  28. 日本的学校心理士制度及对构建我国学校心理学的启示

    On the School Psychologist System of Japan and How It Can Inspire the Buildup of China 's School Psychology

  29. 除了学校的课程之外,格林还进行在线女子学校上预修心理学课程的学习。

    In addition to her classes in school , Green took an online advanced placement psychology course through Online School For Girls .