
  • 网络The Learning Revolution
  1. 隐性知识视野中知识与学习的革命

    Revolution of knowledge and learning under the Sight of Implicit Knowledge Theory

  2. 解读《学习的革命》&思想改变世界

    Analysis of Learning Revolution & Thoughts Change the world

  3. 目前世界正面临着一场革命:学习的革命,教育的革命。

    Nowadays , the whole world is facing a revolution which is called learning revolution , or called intellectual revolution .

  4. 知识经济对人的创新意识与实践能力的要求正在推进世界范围内的教育与学习的革命。

    Knowledge-based Economy requires innovative consciousness and practical ability of human beings , which is advancing the world-wide revolution on education and learning .

  5. 1999年,美国出了一本畅销书叫《学习的革命》,书中谈到:我们教育的目的到底是教会学生学什么?还是教会他们怎么学?

    In 1999 , the best seller Revolution of Learning challenged that whether the education goal should be teaching students what they should learn or teaching them how to learn .

  6. 从授之以鱼到授之以渔的转变,是从教育理念到教学模式的根本性转变,这种学习的革命不可能一蹴而就。

    The move from giving a fish to people to teaching people how to fish , and from teacher-centered to student-centered teaching is a radical transformation of educational concepts and the traditional teaching-and-learning model .

  7. 我们要在青少年中大力提倡勤奋学习助人为乐的革命风尚。

    We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others .

  8. 网络与学习方式的革命

    Net work and Revolution of Learning Pattern

  9. 建构主义是一次学习理论的革命,它对当前的语文教学具有重要的指导作用。

    Constructivism is a revolution of studying theories and it has important guidance function to the present Chinese teaching .

  10. 他主要是主张学习苏俄的革命精神和革命方法。

    His main stand was to learn the revolutionary spirit and approaches to revolution held by the Soviet Russia .

  11. 整合将改变传统的教学结构,导致课程内容、资源、实施和评价的变化,以及学习方式的革命,为创建新的教学模式提供较为理想的环境。

    Integration will change the traditional teaching construction so as to cause the changes of course contents , resourses , using and evaluation , and reform of the learning methods . It has provided a more ideal environment for building a new teaching model .

  12. 学习南社诗人的革命精神优化当代诗词&纪念南社成立九十周年

    Learning from the Revolutionary Spirit of the Poets of the South School

  13. 纸的发明被认为是对于交流和学习的一场革命,它极大地降低了学习的成本。

    The invention of paper is considered a revolution in communication and learning , dramatically lowering the cost of education .

  14. 信息技术的飞速发展引发了学习领域的深刻革命,信息技术环境下大学生的学习方式设计已成为当务之急。

    The rapid development of information technology has resulted in a profound revolution in the domain of learning . It has become an urgent task to design the learning mode for university students in environment of information technology .

  15. 信息传播技术的快速发展,引发了学习领域的深刻革命,学习方式不再单一,基于计算机网络的学习已成为教育研究的热点。

    The rapid development of information communication technology triggered a deep revolution in learning area , resulting in no single studying style any more . The style of learning based on computer network become hot spot in education research .

  16. 研究性学习:课程文化的革命

    Study-based Learning : A Revolution of Curriculum Culture