
yuè jié
  • Monthly settlement;monthly balance
  1. WSO2还添加了一个支付模块,公司可以用它产生月结单并发送邮件通知。

    WSO2 also added a billing module that lets companies generate monthly invoices and send email notifications .

  2. 保管员要坚持日清月结,做到勤清点、勤整理、勤保养。

    The storekeeper shall check , sort and maintain them frequently .

  3. 雪莉:这个啊,账单是月结的。

    Shirley : Well , the bill is paid by month .

  4. 各下希望银行的月结单寄去哪里?

    Where do you wish your bank statement to be sent ?

  5. 月结及协助编制中国财务报告。

    Month end closing and PRC financial statement preparation .

  6. 负责在制品的月结工作及相关管理报表制作。

    To be in charge of WIP monthly ending closing and related reporting .

  7. 立即按此启动会籍,免费查阅电子月结单!

    Click here to activate membership now to check monthly e-statement for FREE !

  8. 他们于该年6月结了婚。

    They were married in June that year .

  9. 通过我们的24小时电话银行服务、综合月结单、支薪处理服务等。

    Through our 24-hour phone banking service , consolidated statement , payroll service , etc.

  10. 现居住地址证明,如电费单、差饷单、银行月结单;

    Proof of current residential address , e.g.electricity bill , rate bill , bank statement ;

  11. 电子存款账号列印于日结单/月结单内。

    Your CPY electronic deposit account number is shown on your daily / monthly statement .

  12. 银行月结单对帐输入及报表。

    Bank reconciliation entry statement printing .

  13. 请附上印有阁下姓名及港元存款户口号码之银行存摺或月结单副本。

    Please attach copy of your passbook / bank statement showing your name and account number .

  14. 今后可以考虑提供最长月结60天的付款期。

    We may consider the longest payment term of60 days after receipt of payment in the future .

  15. 附上银行月结单,家用水电瓦斯帐单或贷款帐单影本作为地址证明。

    Provid JA copy of a bank statement , utility bill or mortgage bill to prove your residency .

  16. 结果在医院信息系统数据库中生成了静态日结、月结数据表。

    Results Static Day Report and Month Report data tables in database of hospital information system were created .

  17. 请仔细确认月结前,将采取以下必要行动确保正确的数据更新入系统。

    Kindly take the following necessary actions to ensure that accurate data are updated before month end closing .

  18. 我的意思是,这和办公室员工工资月结不同。

    I mean , it 's not like the office staff they 're only paid once a month .

  19. 任何经手现金的人员,是否很难获得客户分类帐和月结单资料?

    Is it difficult for any person handling cash to obtain access to customers ' ledgers and monthly statements ?

  20. 除非另有规定,本行将大约每月就每个账户寄发月结单一次。

    Unless otherwise provided , the bank will issue a statement in respect of each account at approximately monthly intervals .

  21. 若会员在每月的十五号前还未收到月结单,请即时与财务部联络。

    Members who do not receive their monthly statement before the15th of each month are kindly requested to inform our accounts department .

  22. 如欲索取其他书面印刷月结单副本,请致电您的运通卡背面所列的客户服务电话。

    Paper copies for other statements can be requested by calling the customer service telephone number printed on the back of your card .

  23. 如阁下选择回赠,回赠将于第4至6个月结单时段内自动志入信用卡会员之信用卡户口。

    If you choose the Spending Credit , Spending Credit will be automatically credited to Cardmembers'card account within the4th to the6th monthly statement periods .

  24. 本文采用计费系统的通用计算模型,提出了计费、分拣及月结一体化(也可分离)的程控交换机计费系统的设计思想,并给出一种实际实现的计费系统。

    Adopting the general charge pattern , we present an integrated charge system design of real time charging and charge accounting , then give a realized system structure .

  25. 出纳管理即是及时地了解掌握某期间或某时间范围的现金收支记录和银行存款收支情况,并做到日清月结,随时查询、打印有关出纳报表。

    Cashing management means timely leaning about cash receipts and payments records and bank deposit receipts and payments situation in a certain period or a certain time range and keeping accounts up to date , and querying and printing cashing reports at any time .

  26. 我在刚过去的7月里结了婚。

    I got married last July

  27. 她怀孕五个月时结了婚。

    She got married when she was five months gone .

  28. 他们也因此而相识,并在上个月喜结连理。

    They were married last month .

  29. 但是小虫子滋生的房间,摆放了一个月而结垢的食物还有没洗的盘子则显示了更严重的问题。

    But bug-infested rooms and a month 's worth of food-encrusted , unwashed dishes indicate more serious problems .

  30. 他俩一见钟情,相识不到六个月就结了婚。他们的爱情就像书中描写的那么完美。

    They fell in love at first sight and got married within six months . The way they got together was just like a storybook romance .