
  • 网络academic discipline
  1. 学术与学科:教育学术研究与教育科学研究

    Academy and Discipline : Academic Research and Scientific Research in Education

  2. 在最近几年中,学术性学科已变得如此专业化,以致于学者们的思想只能抵达一群非常狭窄的受众。

    Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars'ideas reach only a narrow audience .

  3. 20世纪初,以现代大学诞生为标志,中国现代学术和学科体系丌始形成。

    At the beginning of 20th century , modern academic and the system of discipline have been formed on the base of the appearance of modern university .

  4. 从更为阔大一些的背景上看,文艺学作为一个现代学术研究学科的形成,又是建立在以知识的学科化和专门化为标志的现代学术体制和现代文学的发展基础之上的。

    Seen from more liberal backgrounds , the formation of the literature and art as a discipline of the modern scholarly research is based on the modern academic system which is symbolized by the knowledge as disciplines and its specialization and the development of the modern literature .

  5. 学术团队与学科群系统核心竞争力的关系研究

    Research on the Relation between Academic Team and Subject Cluster Core Competence

  6. 三十年中国广告史研究的学术视野与学科平台

    Academic Vision and Platform of Advertising History in the Past Three Decades

  7. 论图书馆建设与学术研究、学科建设的关系

    Dialectical Relationship between College Library Construction and Library Science Researching & Discipline Development

  8. 开展学术研究和学科建设,为进一步的发展提供理论支撑。

    By developing academic research and discipline construction , essence of connotation could be provided .

  9. 作为一门交叉学科,文艺社会学有不同的理论形态、学术范式、学科定位。

    As an interdisciplinary subject , literary and artistic sociology has different theoretical forms , academic patterns and subject orientations .

  10. 小波分析理论是目前众多学术团体和学科领域共同关注的一个热点。

    The wavelet analysis theory is the large number of academic groups and fields of common concern to a hotspot .

  11. 学术期刊是学科发展到一定阶段的必然产物,它在知识与信息传播中起着越来越重要的作用,是重要的信息源。

    Academic journals plays an increasingly important role in the spread of information , and is an important source of information .

  12. 学科是在学术思想、学科制度和社会意识形念三个基本维度的合力中得以确立的历史性存在。

    The discipline has established its historical existence on the resultant forces of academic thought , disciplinary institution and social ideology .

  13. 作者通过研究全军中医血液病专科中心的发展历程,认为搞好重点学科建设必须注重选择知名度较高的学术权威作为学科带头人;

    The author pointed out that subject construction must pay attention to selecting an authoritative academic institution as its subject leader ;

  14. 现阶段,随着我国大学所处的内外部环境的变化,作为大学中基本的组织单元与学术单元的学科,其发展也同样进入了一个全新时期。

    As both of the exterior circumstance and interior condition changing , the progress of the discipline is confronted with a new period .

  15. 热灾害规律的双重性、确定性和随机性,使它在学术思想、学科内涵和研究方法等方面形成了自己所独具的特色。

    It has some features of its own in ideology , connotation and methodology due to deterministic and probabilistic nature of rules of the disaster .

  16. 教授治学的内涵是对学术事务包括学科、学术、学风和教学进行管理与决策。

    The connotation of doing scholar research by professors means the management and decision-making of the academic affairs in disciplines , academy , style of study and teaching .

  17. 在讨论中,来自不同学科的学术从业者基于学科发展的需要,就学术规范的内容及其体系结构、学术规范的作用与功能、学术规范传统的继承与发扬等重要问题,发表了很好的意见。

    In the discussion academic professionals from different disciplines aired their views on the existing problems , the system structure , the function and role of academic rules , etc.

  18. 目的了解10年来《中华肝脏病杂志》的学术水平、学科地位、影响力、交流范围、被读者使用和重视程度。

    Objective To study the academic level , subject location , influence , readership , degree of usage and recognition by the readers of the Chinese Journal of Hepatology .

  19. 随着生育高峰,教育者和圈外人士对教育的兴趣和焦点,不可避免地转向了更低的年级和基础的学术技能和学科上。

    With the baby boom , the focus of educators and of laymen interested in education inevitably turned toward the lower grades and back to basic academic skills and discipline .

  20. 摘要中国英汉对比语言学具有自身的学术渊源、学科特性、研究范围和追求目标。

    With an outline of the newly-setup Sino-English contrastive linguistic development and origin , this paper focuses on the analysis of her disciplinary nature , research scope and final research goal .

  21. 大学专业教育是图书馆学最重要的学科建制化措施,学术成果既是学科建制化的标志也是建制化的结果,学会和学术刊物是学术建制的另一重要标记。

    The authors think that university education is the most important measure for the establishment of library science , academic achievements are both symbols and results , societies and their publications are another kind of important symbols .

  22. 中国民族研究机构蕴藏着丰富的文献信息资源,这些文献资源具有很强的专业性、民族性、地域性、独特性,开发这些资源对于学术研究和学科建设具有特殊的重要意义。

    China organizations of ethnic studies have abundant of documentary information resources which are of profession , nationality , locality and specialty . It is very important to explore these resources for study and construction of subject .

  23. 基于不同的指标,对学术期刊和学科的孤立度、中心性、引文链接分布广度等特征进行了全面的描述和解读。

    Based on different indicators , the degree of isolation , centrality , distribution of citation links of individual journal and subject in the communication network are analyzed and described . Some interesting characteristics of science structure are detected .

  24. 仪器设备共享不仅可以提高资源使用效益和效率,而且可以增进学术交流和学科交叉,促进大型仪器设备使用专业化和社会化分工,推进科学方法与技术的创新。

    To share instruments , it will not only increase efficiency and benefit of resource utilization and promote academic exchange and subject crossing , but also will accelerate the specialization and socialization of instrument use and boost the innovation of scientific methods and techniques .

  25. 体现理科学科建设成就的核心要素是学术成果、学科带头人和梯队、人才培养质量、学科研究方向、学科关键实验设备、学科运行机制。

    The core guidelines of science discipline construction are the main academic achievement , the discipline leaders and in sequence , the quality of the training of talented person , the research direction , the core experiment equipments , and the mechanism of discipline circulating .

  26. 对教育研究的特殊性进行追问,虽然能更好地理解教育研究的特点,但并不能恰当解决教育研究的地位、价值问题,更不能确立教育学的学术形象和学科立场。

    Although it is helpful to get a better understanding of the characteristics of education research by probing into its particularity , it cannot properly solve the problems about the position and value of education research , let alone the establishment of the academic image and position of pedagogy .

  27. 湿地科学目前已成为国际学术界的重要学科和优势领域,3S技术作为一门新技术与新方法被应用于湿地资源调查、编目、环境监测与评价、退化湿地恢复监测和湿地保护研究。

    Wetland science has become an important discipline in the world . 3S technology is used as a new technology and new method to investigate wetland resources , list inventory , monitor and evaluate wetland environment quality , recover retrogressed wetland and protect wetland .

  28. 国家整体学术繁荣,各学科相互促进;

    Overall academic prosperity which makes academic fields help each other ;

  29. 负责教学和学术必须成为跨学科和跨文化的。

    Responsible teaching and scholarship must become cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural .

  30. 生态环境史的学术界域与学科定位

    On the Academic Domain of Environmental History and Its Position in Disciplines