- 网络Byte order;Endianness;byteorder

Note that networks usually use big-endian byte order , so an application running on System z does not need conversion here .
The byte order of the STABs binary data depends on the object file format .
Features such as endianness , CPU identification , and other hardware basics work just as they do on a genuine computer .
Some toolkits were unable to parse the Unicode byte order mark sent by other toolkits .
Omit the XML declaration , and use the UTF-8 encoding , or use a UTF-16 Unicode Byte Order Mark ( BOM ) at the beginning of your document .
This acts as a " signature " or " byte-order mark ( BOM )" to identify the encoding and byte-order used in a file .
When you are editing thesaurus files by using text editor tools , the files must be saved in Unicode format and byte order marks must be specified .
The byte ordering ( Big-Endian or Little-Endian ) for a storage access is specified by the operating system .
These disk files are portable across different byte-ordered machines .
Similar functions exist to handle byte-order issues related to data transferred via network .
All issues mentioned in this article might be relevant ( byte-ordering , the options passed to the compiler , and so forth ) .
When students do these embedded experiments , they do often face the problem of the transformation between big-endian and little-endian about byte order .
The first phase translates the sequence of characters from byte order ( how the characters are stored in memory ) to the proper written order ( as it would appear on paper ) .
Scriptability & The format includes tags that provide sequences of byte codes to be interpreted by a stack machine .
These functions are declared in / usr / include / netinet / in . h and convert values between network-and host-byte order .
Hopefully , you 're a little puzzled at this point as to why the ByteBuffer class would need a byte order setting at all .
The way these methods encode or decode the bytes is dependent on the ByteBuffer 's current byte-order setting .
If you have the option , use standard library functions to do byte-swapping operations , and standardize on the order in which bytes are stored in your data files ; network byte order is the best .
Note : Depending on the platform and whether the mem structure is big endian or little endian , you may need to swap the order in which bytes are read .