
zì pán
  • case
字盘 [zì pán]
  • [case] 活字的分格盘

字盘[zì pán]
  1. 双连字盘:盛载英文大写和小写字粒的字盘。

    Double case : a type case combining upper and lower case .

  2. 加州碎件字盘:英文铅字字盘的一种它盛载着大写和小写英文字母。

    California job case : A kind of type case which accommodates both upper and lower case letters .

  3. 这种字盘的面积约为4K级整字字盘的八分之一,故很容易镶嵌在计算机通用设备或专用设备上。

    The area of this keyboard is about one-eighth as big as that of a 4000-character keyboard , so that it is very easy to be embedded on universal or special computers .

  4. 散字还盘:活版字粒在印刷之后放回字盘位置的操作。

    Distribution : The returning of letterpress type to the case after printing .

  5. 字盘案称结构尺寸的优化设计

    Optimization Design of Size on Case Platform Scale Structure

  6. 袖珍免学型笔触整字字盘的盘面设计及其输入方法袖珍型即拍即现照相机

    The Design of an Easy-To-Learn Pocket Piezoelectric Characters Keyboard Face and the Relevant Input Method

  7. 字盘式不锈钢万能角度尺

    Dial universal stainless steel angle meter

  8. 双连字盘:盛载英文大写和小写字粒的字盘。度盘上最小的刻度为最小读数。

    Double case : A type case combining upper and lower case . This smallest division on the scale is called the least count .

  9. 种字体,并且每次只能加载250个字样文件。要添加其他字体,加州碎件字盘:英文铅字字盘的一种它盛载着大写和小写英文字母。

    Your computer . The driver will load up to 250 fonts in each California job case : A kind of type case which accommodates both upper and lower case letters .

  10. 本文给出一种其盘面上仅制有同音字的代表汉字四百一十二个、常用符号十九个、四角笔形符号十个,以及拉丁字符号和阿拉伯数字符号的袖珍笔触整字字盘之盘面设计。

    The designs of a pocket piezoelectric characters keyboard face are described , on which there are 412 Chinese characters representing homonyms of all kinds , 19 symbols common in use , 10 symbols representing four angles strokes of Chinese characters , the Latin alphabets and the Arabic numerals .