
  1. 另外,我有一种感觉,中国人们之所以这样在乎Cafferty所说的,是因为他所处于的媒介平台压过了中国人的声音。

    Also , I kind of get the feeling that Chinese people care so much about what Cafferty said is because he stood on a media that is louder than the voice of Chinese .

  2. 当体育被媒体塑造成一个新的媒介平台的时候,广告也爱上了体育明星。

    When the sports is molded by the media as a new medium platform , advertising also favours sports stars .

  3. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。

    At this point , maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world .

  4. 通过手机媒体与其他四种大众传媒的对比分析,提出在电信网、计算机网、有线电视网三网融合的趋势下,手机具备成为大众化信息媒介平台的条件。

    Compares the mobile phone with the other four popularized media , it presents the performance of a popularized information platform in combination with telecom network , cable TV network and internet .

  5. 在这样的背景下,广告如何借助新的传播媒介平台、新的媒体技术,利用新的艺术形式来进行创新,以便更好地实现广告自身的功利目的,是一个很值得关注和探讨的话题。

    Under such background , it is a topic that worth focusing and discussing that how advertising borrow new media platform , new media technology , use new artistic form to innovate , so as to realize advertisment own profit-centered goal well .

  6. 《据精英日报》记载:“是你自己剥夺了约会过程中不断探索发掘的过程。因为一段关系中最迷人的阶段就是花精力去了解另一个人,可这些各式各样的社交媒介平台把所有的新鲜感都剥夺了。”

    According to Elite Daily , " You are literally stripping the discovery process out of dating . One of the best parts of a relationship is getting to know the other person . These different social media platforms take all of that novelty away . "

  7. 本文以此作为切入点,对电影媒介的平台价值、受众构成、受众特征进行了梳理和分析,为理解电影受众提供了新鲜完整的视角。

    As a starting point , this paper analyzed the value of the film media platform , audience composition and the audience characteristics to understand the movie audiences more completely .

  8. 任何信息的传播都不再局限于单一渠道和特定受众全体,而是基于开放的、交叉的多媒介传播平台进行传播。

    The dissemination of any information that is no longer confined to a single channel and a specific audience , but based on crossed and opening up multi-media platform for dissemination .

  9. 而本文正是基于这样的出发点,界定短信为传播活动的中介,即发挥的是媒介(平台)的作用,限定在国内这个范畴。

    This article is based on this starting point , define the messages for the communication activities of the intermediary , that is to play media ( platform ) role , limited to this area in China .

  10. 当然也必须明确,世界上从来没有不受限制的绝对自由,这一点并不因为互联网这一看似更加自由的表达媒介与平台而有丝毫改变。

    Of course , it also must be definite that there never have been absolutely unlimited freedom in the world , and it will never change a little with the appearance of the Internet , a more free expression media and platform .

  11. 世界各国、各地区之间多角度的交流日益频繁,作为现代社会经济文化交流的一个重要媒介和平台,会展业已被世界诸多国家重视。

    All other countries and regions in the world between the multiple perspectives increasing exchanges , as modern social economic and cultural exchange , one of the important media platforms , exhibition has become the world many national economy , a new economic growth point .

  12. 游戏是使用户参与任何媒介体验的优质平台。

    Games are great platforms to get users involved with any type of mediated experience .

  13. 最后,本文以超级电容储能型再生制动仿真实验系统为媒介对虚拟实验平台进行了介绍和实验操作说明,凸显了虚拟实验平台在教学和实验中的优势。

    The advantages of the virtual experiment platform in the teaching and experiments are highlighted by introducing the Super Capacitor Energy Storage Type Regenerative Braking Simulation Experimental System .

  14. 旅游目的地宣传者在进行形象宣传时,充分利用互联网、期刊杂志等媒介所提供的平台以大量的精美图片和文字吸引旅游者的目光,使营销方式可以在短时间内迅速的产生效应。

    People often promote the image through a lot of beautiful pictures and text from the Internet , magazines and other media to attract the attention of tourist .

  15. 这需要一方面充分利用已有的技术优势,为现有传统媒介提供增值服务平台,以确保自身发展所需要的市场空间和资金资本;

    First step is to translate to technology advance to market advance by providing needful service for the traditional TV stations , making sure that strategic resource is safe .

  16. 随着信息时代的来临,随着新的媒介容器和媒体平台的出现,[1]传媒业的竞争日益加剧,电视的竞争更是达到无以复加的地步。

    With the informational age coming and new media containers and media plats emerging , the competition of media industry will increasingly intensive , even the competition of TV industry will become more and more extreme .

  17. 为什么是微博客引领了新媒介的潮流,而不是其它媒介平台?一种新生事物的出现且能够引领流行必然有它自身的独特优势。

    Why is the Micro-blog lead to the trend of the new media and not the other media platforms ? The emergence of a new thing and lead to the fashion trend should has its own unique advantages .

  18. 它结合了传统的电视媒介的内容优势和新兴的网络媒介的传播平台,并且网络具有整合资源的作用,电视台网站可以充分地扩大电视台的传播范围和影响力。

    It combines the traditional TV media content advantage and the emerging network media dissemination platform , and network has the function of the integration of resources , television website can fully expand broadcasting range and influence .

  19. 大数据技术对媒介环境的变革,还要求媒介搭建互动信息平台,加速媒介转型,寻求跨界合作,并培养数据专业人才,改善组织机构,为充分发掘大数据技术奠定坚实的基础。

    The transformations the big data on the media environment , also asked the media to build interactive information platform , to accelerate the transformation of the media , to seek a cross-border cooperation , and to cultivate professional talents and to improve organization .