
  • 网络Media Brand
  1. 电视媒体品牌价值的市场解构

    Marketing Deconstruction of TV Media Brand Value

  2. 媒体品牌管理之策略分析

    The Strategy Analysis of Media Brand Management

  3. 析《今日说法》的媒体品牌建构

    An Analysis of Construction of the Medium Brand of Legal Report on CCTV

  4. 论媒体品牌的可持续发展要素

    The Factors of Sustained Development of Medium Brand

  5. 新闻媒体品牌策划,这是当前学术界和业界尚未充分讨论的一个研究领域。

    Brand planning of news media is an under-developed research aspect in current academia .

  6. 社交媒体品牌的实力和价值

    The strength and value of social media brands

  7. 电视媒体品牌的包装设计的三个维度

    Dimentions of Branding Design for TV Media

  8. 网络财经媒体品牌战略

    The Brand Strategy of Online Financial Media

  9. 新闻媒体品牌策划探析

    Investigation on Brand Planning of News Media

  10. 电视媒体品牌塑造与广告经营

    TV Media Brand and Advertisement Management

  11. 网络是一种完全不同的媒介,一些老的媒体品牌在转换方面遇到不少困难。

    The web is an entirely different medium , and old brands have lots of trouble translating .

  12. 谈媒体品牌的延伸模式

    Media Brand Extension Models

  13. 所以我们有必要对中国电视媒体品牌节目以及它的创建与经营进行系统的研究。

    It is necessary to make a systematic research to the establishment and management of Chinese TV brand programs .

  14. 认真抓好媒体品牌的策划,是新闻媒体提高两个效益的重要途径。

    A careful brand planning of news media is an important approach to improve both the social and economic benefits of news media .

  15. 而实施品牌战略、进行媒体品牌工程的建设是传媒业也是都市报做大做强、实现长远发展目标的重要战略。

    The implementation of the brand strategy can help newspapers become bigger and stronger and help them turn the long-term development goals into truth .

  16. 第四章重点研究广播传媒品牌塑造,提出了广播媒体品牌的内涵和特征;品牌塑造方法和措施。

    Chapter four is focused on the study of brand building and proposes the connotation , feature and building measure of broadcasting media brand .

  17. 拥有数以亿计用户的游戏和社交媒体品牌,使腾讯可以很容易增加这部分收入。

    With hundreds of millions of users across its gaming and social media brands , it is in a good place to increase this .

  18. 在我国的法制类节目里,《今日说法》无论从受众的广泛性还是社会的影响力来说,无疑都是名列前茅的媒体品牌节目。

    Among the legal programs , Legal Report on CCTV is a top program of medium brand either in popularity or in social influence force .

  19. 近些年来,随着竞争加剧,媒体品牌意识也逐渐觉醒,品牌建设相继被提上日程。

    In recent years , with the aggravation of competition , media brand awareness is gradually awakening , brand construction have been put on the agenda .

  20. 本文总结了前人对于电视媒体品牌设计建设和制作的相关理论,阐明了品牌的定义以及品牌对于消费的影响力。

    This paper summarizes previous theories on TV media brand design , construction and making , and illustrated the definition of brand and its effect on consumption .

  21. 调查对全球范围内的社交媒体品牌进行了品牌实力的定性研究,也分析了50个最有价值的社交媒体品牌的货币价值。

    They examined the qualitative aspects of the brands , i.e. brand strength , and also determined the monetary values of the 50 most valuable social media brands .

  22. 在此基础上,分析了以微博为基础的社会化媒体品牌监控系统的总体结构、系统架构和子系统设计。

    On this base , I analyze the overall structure , composition and subsystem design of the social media brand monitoring system based on micro blogging , i.e. weibo in Chinese .

  23. 在媒体品牌战略举步维艰的情况下,把活动塑造成独特的品牌是至关重要的,这是媒体品牌战略突围的重要突破口。

    In the media brand strategy difficult circumstances , the activity of the molding into a unique brand is of paramount importance , this is a breakthrough media brand strategy important breakthrough .

  24. 使得这些社交媒体品牌实力如此雄厚的不只是惊人的访问者数量,还有它们高度的全球认知度和庞大的平台用户数据。

    It is not only the high number of visitors that makes these brands so strong , but also their high level of global awareness and the remarkable user statistics of the platforms .

  25. 被称之为“社交媒体品牌广告计划”的新方案不仅延伸了之前的付费位置广告模式,而且加入了全新的定价模式和高级分析系统。

    The new product , which the company calls a " social media brand advertising program ," is an extension of its existing paid placement option , but with new tiered pricing and advanced analytics .

  26. 本文着眼于中国东部旗舰卫视品牌东方卫视,作为一个传统媒体品牌的实践之路,它在接下来的发展中将如何寻找到向深度发展的品牌竞争策略。

    This article focuses on the Chinese Eastern flagship TV brand Oriental TV , as a regional brand road of practice , it in the following development , how to develop to deepness of brand competition strategy .

  27. 本文以电视品牌节目为出发点,通过对品牌节目内在规律特征的分析,从理论和实践的角度,来探讨中国电视媒体品牌节目的创建与经营问题。

    Taking TV brand programs as the starting point , the thesis probes the problems of the establishment and management of Chinese TV brand programs in terms of theory and practice by analyzing the internal characteristics of the law these programs .

  28. 在540名已经开通公众号的被调查者当中,有5%的用户称自己已经通过利用账户打造了自媒体品牌,而12.2%的用户表示通过公众号宣传获得了一定的收益。

    Of more than 540 respondents that have individual public accounts on WeChat , 5 percent claimed that they have built popular " self-media " brands using their accounts , while 12.2 percent said they had made money from the accounts through advertising .

  29. 伴随着媒体品牌化的大趋势,电视媒体已经经营了很多年,从开始的摸索前进到现在的快速发展,电视媒体品牌化已经形成了自己独特的方式&电视包装。

    With the major trend of the media brand , TV media has been operating for many years . TV media brand has formed its own unique way & TV packaging , from the beginning of exploration to the rapid development at the present .

  30. 美国一家创意组织CreativeEquals致力于支持有才华的女性以及促进创意产业的多元化。该公司决定用女性形象来代替原来的知名品牌标志,以此来突出强调媒体上品牌标志性别不平衡的问题。

    Creative Equals , an organization aiming to support talented women and promote diversity in creative industries , has decided to replace iconic brand logos with female figures in order to highlight the issues of unbalanced branding in the media .