
  • 网络Like Shadows;contigo
  1. 投资过程中风险总是如影随行,收益的获取总是伴随着一定程度的风险。

    Risks of the investment like shadows , which always associated with returns .

  2. 只要人看不见,这二种情形始终会如影随行。

    These two conditions are prevalent as long as one does not see .

  3. 我发誓,我会如影随行,伴你左右,我会在那里。

    I swear , like a shadow that 's by your side , I 'll be there .

  4. 如影随行,如迷天下,心如我们永远支持你,挺你!

    If shade accompanying , if the fan world , heart like we forever support you , very you !

  5. 心痛吞噬凌乱的思绪无限延伸,忧伤恍若幽灵般攀附着寂寞如影随行。

    Painful swallowing messy thoughts unlimited extension of sadness reminding us of scenes like clings to the lonely ghost lurking .

  6. 信用是市场经济的基本特征和需求,信用风险与市场经济如影随行。

    Credit is the basic characteristic and demand of market economy . And credit risks and market economy are coming like the shadow following the form .

  7. 这些负担早在墨西哥航空公司作为国有航空那天起就一直如影随行,直到2005年才它们被免除,但其影响力却从未因此减弱。

    These burdens are hangovers from Mexicana 's days as a state airline , which ended in2005 but whose influence has never quite been shaken off .

  8. 但治疗终归是治疗,不管什么方法,前列腺切除术始终是个主要的手术,而性能力下降和尿失禁始终如影随行。

    Treatment is still treatment , though , and a prostatectomy , no matter the method , is major surgery , with the twin shadows of impotence and incontinence always present .

  9. 自人类开始其历史以后,暴力便伴随着人类的茹毛饮血和权力纷争而如影随行,始终贯穿于人类的文明进程。

    Since the beginning of human beings ' history , violence always goes side by side with the development of society and the strife of power , and runs through the process of human civilization .