
  • 网络If there's no music;Kdyby ty muziky nebyly
  1. 如果没有音乐,这个世界将变成一个沉闷的地方。

    Without music , the world would be a dull place .

  2. 如果没有音乐,人生将很无聊。

    If it were not for music , our life would be boring .

  3. 如果没有数字音乐,我们会有这么多的粉丝吗?又或者我们会有更多的粉丝?

    Would we have this kind of fan base if there wasn 't access to music digitally , or would it be bigger ?

  4. 如果你没有音乐天赋,那就免了吧,不要让你的歌声成为她早上醒来的第一个噩梦。

    If you aren 't musically gifted , don 't do this as it will be a horrible experience for her first thing in the morning .

  5. 不过,尽管iPod本身的样子很讨喜,但如果没有让数字音乐业务焕发生机的软件和在线商店,它可能什么都不是。

    Pleasing in itself , the iPod would have been nothing without the software and online store that brought the digital music business to life .

  6. 想想看你最喜欢的电影如果没有了背景音乐或电影配音,你就会知道我们的意思!

    Just try to imagine your favorite film without the background music or soundtrack and you will know what we mean !

  7. 如果没有好的语言,就无法很好地表情达意;如果没有动听的音乐,就难以引起观众内心的共鸣;而没有充沛的情感,作品则会显得苍白无力,难以打动观众。

    Emotion and meaning can not be expressed without good words . Without appealing music , it is not easy to impress audience . Without sufficient emotion , the song will be powerless and unable to touch audience .