
  • 网络Archduke of Austria
  1. 那个清晨,这位19岁的波斯尼亚塞尔维亚人和其他6个想要成为暗杀者的人,未能刺杀奥地利大公弗朗茨斐迪南(franzferdinand)。

    That morning , the 19-year-old Bosnian Serb and six other would-be assassins had failed to kill the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand .

  2. 自马航MH17航班在乌克兰东部上空被击落以来发生的一系列事件,与1914年6月奥地利大公弗朗茨•斐迪南(FranzFerdinand)被刺杀之后的事件极为相似。

    The sequence of events since the Malaysian jet MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine is remarkably similar to the one that followed the assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June 1914 .

  3. 1914年6月28日,奥地利大公弗朗茨·费迪南德遭行刺。

    On June 28th , 1914 , the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is assassinated .

  4. 直接起因当然是发生在萨拉热窝的刺杀事件,奥地利大公弗朗茨·费迪南遇刺身亡,

    The immediate cause was of course the assassination in Sarajevo of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand ,