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qí miào
  • wonderful;marvellous;marvelous;intriguing
奇妙 [qí miào]
  • [marvellous;wonderful] 稀奇神妙;美妙

  • 奇妙的故事

  • 奇妙的童话

  • [intriguing;marvelous] 奇特。精彩

  • 其技之奇妙。--清. 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》

奇妙[qí miào]
  1. 这些东西都是我生命中奇妙的事。

    These things are the marvellous things in my whole life .

  2. 文化模式与会计模式之间有着奇妙的对应规律。

    There is a marvellous corresponding law between the cultural pattern and accounting pattern .

  3. 那是一次奇妙的旅行,宛如梦境。

    The trip was magical ; the stuff of which dreams are made .

  4. 他们因一连串奇妙的巧合而相遇。

    They met through a series of strange coincidences .

  5. 这就是诗的奇妙之处,你总有新的发现。

    That 's the wonder of poetry ─ you 're always discovering something new .

  6. 你要是按照我们的家居装饰诀窍行事,可以用很少的钱就产生奇妙的效果。

    You can work miracles with very little money if you follow our home decoration tips .

  7. 她种了很多我不熟悉的奇妙植物。

    She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me

  8. 这个故事是幻想与现实的奇妙结合。

    The story is a magical mix of fantasy and reality

  9. 她幻想过着各种奇妙的生活,从想入非非中获得乐趣。

    She invents fantasy lives for her own vicarious pleasure

  10. 也有一些时刻非常奇妙。

    There were also moments of pure magic .

  11. 看到我丈夫时,我有一种异常平静安详的奇妙感觉。

    I had a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when I saw my husband

  12. 当孩子们最终要照顾父母时,这的确是一种奇妙的角色互换。

    When children end up taking care of their parents , it is a strange role reversal indeed .

  13. 有种充满希望和解脱的奇妙感觉,好似卸下了一副千斤重担。

    There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief , as if a great burden had been cast off .

  14. 这些奇妙的故事抓住了听众。

    The strange stories gripped the hearers ' attention .

  15. 人的心理真是奇妙,言为心声一点不假。

    A person 's psychology is a subtle thing . How true it is that words are echoes of the heart .

  16. 一位工程师作了一次关于这个奇妙装置的报告。

    A talk was given by an engineer of this wonderful device .

  17. 乐观和悲观可以在美国作品里奇妙地结合起来。

    Optimism and pessimism mingle queerly in American writing .

  18. 蝴蝶的眼睛很奇妙。

    The butterfly 's eye is rather curious .

  19. 他似乎是对树木作关于晶体的奇妙习性的发言。

    It might have been the trees he was addressing on the quaint customs of crystals .

  20. 换句话说,我们认为,美国文学把我们所熟悉的和陌生的东西奇妙地结合起来了。

    In other words , american literature is to our eyes a curious amalgam of familiar and strange .

  21. 从罗马的建立到互联网的诞生,年表是一段奇妙的时间旅程。

    CHRONOLOGICA is a fascinating journey through time , from the foundation of Rome to the creation of the internet .

  22. 这个小型团体自行车之旅能以一种奇妙的方式游览华盛顿特区著名的樱花树,以及绽放的美丽樱花。

    This small group bike tour is a fantastic way to see the world-famous cherry trees with beautiful flowers of Washington , D . C .

  23. 在看小说的时候,我可以放下负担进入一个神秘而奇妙的世界,还可以获得一个新的身份。

    By opening a novel , I can leave behind my burdens and enter into a wonderful and mysterious world where I am now a new character .

  24. 就在那时,一个能改变生活的奇妙想法突然出现:如果我能得到更多的钱,我就可以买更多我喜欢的书,买任何我想要的东西。

    That 's when a fantastic life-changing idea popped into head : If I could get more money , I could buy more books l liked , buy anything l wanted .

  25. 对人们来说,与这些奇妙动物的交流是令人愉悦和有教育意义的。

    It is enjoyable and educational for people to communicate with the wonderful animals .

  26. 13世纪,世界著名的意大利旅行家马可波罗在中国看到了许多奇妙的东西。

    In the 13th century.Marco Polo the world known Italian travelled saw many wonderful things in China .

  27. 年迈的大师和年轻的初学者一起,将这个尴尬的局面变成了一次奇妙的创作体验。

    Together , the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience .

  28. 小男孩抓住机会去探索音乐厅的奇妙之处,他站了起来,最终穿过了一扇标有“禁止入内”的门。

    Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall , the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door which was marked " No Admittance " .

  29. 因为人生中可能会有奇妙的邂逅和美丽的事物。

    It is possible for wonderful encounters and beautiful things to exist .

  30. 在交响乐中间有一段奇妙的抒情长笛独奏。

    There 's wonderfully lyrical flute solo in the middle of this symphony .