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zhōng chéng
  • loyalty;loyal;faithful;devotion;fidelity;allegiance;honest;truthful;attachment;staunch;constancy;devoted, faithful
忠诚 [zhōng chéng]
  • [loyalty;devoted,faithful;honest;loyal;staunch;truthful] 尽心竭力

  • 忠诚无私

忠诚[zhōng chéng]
  1. 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。

    She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades .

  2. 我感谢他们长期以来忠诚的效力。

    I thanked them for their long and loyal service

  3. 总统将继续获得忠诚党员的拥护。

    The president will keep the support of the party faithful .

  4. 真正的婚姻有赖于我们表现出信任与忠诚。

    True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty .

  5. 她为公司忠诚服务了40年,因而获得奖赏。

    She was rewarded for her 40 years ' faithful service with the company .

  6. 她怀疑他的忠诚。

    She had doubts about his faithfulness .

  7. 他们的忠诚显而易见。

    Their devotion was apparent .

  8. 要求忠诚意味着你想发展一段严肃认真的恋爱关系。

    Wanting fidelity implies you 're thinking about a major relationship .

  9. 她坚持说自己对丈夫一直是忠诚的。

    She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband

  10. 忠诚和支持成了那个时代人们时常挂在嘴边的词儿。

    Loyalty and support became the bywords of the day .

  11. 这当然是绝对的忠诚,有人也许会称之为俯首帖耳,唯命是从。

    Total devotion it certainly was , slavish devotion some would say .

  12. 他成了费雯丽忠诚的朋友和给她安慰的人。

    He became Vivien Leigh 's devoted friend and comforter .

  13. 我对肯德尔及其公司的忠诚加深了。

    My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep .

  14. 放贷人指望现有借贷人的盲目忠诚来谋求利益。

    Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit

  15. 我们大家,包括我本人在内,一直都对党绝对忠诚。

    All of us , myself included , had been totally committed to the Party

  16. 党的忠诚支持者们的反应一如既往,他们挥舞着旗帜,高举着标语牌。

    Party loyalists responded as they always do , waving flags and carrying placards .

  17. 那么,是什么造就了美满的婚姻呢?结果表明忠诚是第一位的。

    So what makes a good marriage ? Faithfulness comes out top of the list

  18. 他欣赏他的谨慎和忠诚。

    He appreciated his discretion and his fidelity .

  19. 他激发了朋友们对他的无比忠诚。

    He inspires fierce loyalty in his friends .

  20. 忠诚已经过时了。

    The time for loyalty is past .

  21. 他指责我们不忠诚以掩盖他自己的错误行为,真令人厌恶。

    Accusing us of being disloyal to cover his own sorry behavior is truly execrable .

  22. 她已经将他从一个酒色之徒变成了一个忠诚的丈夫和慈爱的父亲。

    She had transformed him from being a hard-drinking womaniser into a devoted husband and father .

  23. 他认为婚内应该忠诚。

    He believed in marital fidelity .

  24. 他们的忠诚只能到这个程度。

    Their loyalty only went so far

  25. 他的忠诚是不容置疑的。

    His commitment has been unquestioned

  26. 当亚佐夫元帅向他保证武装部队的忠诚时,他会感到心满意足的。

    He will have been pleased by Marshal Yazov 's assurance of the armed forces ' loyalty .

  27. 狗象征着忠诚。

    Dogs are emblematic of faithfulness

  28. 我能给吉尔的最大帮助就是对他忠诚、关爱他并且永远满怀同情之心。

    My best course of action was to help Gill by being loyal , loving and endlessly sympathetic

  29. 大多数男人还是希望他们的妻子对自己忠诚,不管他们有没有将这一想法大声说出来。

    Whether they say it aloud or not , most men expect their wives to be faithful .

  30. 她们也许忠诚地支持着自己的丈夫,但她们也在开创自己的事业。

    They may be loyally standing by their men , but they are also carving their own careers