
tài kōnɡ rén
  • astronaut;cosmonaut
  1. 第二部分……n.太空人美国太空人正由月球返回地球。

    Part 2 ...... astronaut The astronauts of the United States are returning to the earth from the moon .

  2. 但是脂肪里面有个太空人在漂着。

    But inside the fat there 's an astronaut fioating around .

  3. 咱们装扮成太空人吧。

    Let 's pretend we 're astronauts .

  4. 特里·皮尔为休斯敦太空人队率先击球。

    Terry Puhl leads off for the Houston Astros .

  5. 太空人在太空舱里工作和生活。

    The astronauts work and live in the space capsule .

  6. 所有太空人都应能承受加速度。

    All spacemen must be able to bear acceleration .

  7. 休士顿太空人希望奥斯华RoyOswalt这次可以比他第一次面对纽约洋基时多撑几局,但他们肯定很希望结局跟那一次相似。

    The Houston Astros are hoping that Roy Oswalt lasts longer than he did in his first start against the New York Yankees , but they 'd sure like to have a similar result from that outing .

  8. 太空人从太空船中观察火星的地表。

    The astronauts observed the surface of Mars from their spaceship .

  9. 太空人坐太空船飞到外太空。

    An astronaut flies to outer space in a space ship .

  10. 太空人在太空中存活需要太空装。

    The astronauts need a space suit to survive in space .

  11. 中国太空人的首次太空飞行大获成功。

    The first flight of a taikonaut was a total success .

  12. 如果是太空人,就得做别的。

    Lf we were astronauts , we would do other things .

  13. 许多专家都推断在其他的星球上存在着太空人。

    Many experts deduce that there are aliens in other planets .

  14. 中国首批太空人是在俄罗斯受训的。

    The first batch of Chinese astronauts was trained in Russia .

  15. 太空人很快就习惯了失重状态。

    The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness .

  16. 太空人的基本环境问题国际专题讨论会;

    International Symposium on basic environmental problems of men in space ;

  17. 可以把我的爱送到太空人那里。

    " Send my love to the aliens ," jokes PaulMcCartney .

  18. 不久之后,太空人芭比娃娃闪亮登陆在玩具店的货架上。

    Not long afterward , astronaut Barbie landed on toy store shelves .

  19. 在成为一名太空人前,他花了五年时间来训练。

    He spent five years training to become a spaceman .

  20. 那些太空人不久就会习惯于无重力状态。

    The astronauts will soon get used to the condition of weightlessness .

  21. 你是太空人,还会打温莎结?

    You ` re an astronaut and you can tie a windsor ?

  22. 太空人穿太空装保持温暖。

    The astronauts keep themselves warm in a space suit .

  23. 太空人到太空梭外面工作时需要太空装。

    The astronauts need a space suit to work outside the shuttle .

  24. 嗨,这种太空人食物不算太糟。

    Hey , this astronaut food isn 't too bad .

  25. 这不关你们太空人的事,是我们玩具自己的事。

    Nothing that concerns you spacemen , just us toys .

  26. 他们是首次登陆月球探险的太空人。

    They is the astronaut on the first venture to the moon .

  27. 债务重新谈判专题会议太空人国际专题讨论会

    Ad hoc meeting on debt renegotiation International Symposium on Man in Space

  28. 他说他想用音乐欢迎外太空人。

    He said he wanted to welcome the men from space with music .

  29. 你认识被烧死的太空人吗?

    Did you know the astronauts in the fire ?

  30. 您曾梦想成为太空人吗?

    Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut ?