
  • 网络Shenzhou VII;Shenzhou 7;Shenzhou No.7
  1. 最近,看到一些消息称,“神舟七号”载人飞船在不久的将来又要载着你们中的幸运儿腾空而起了,我真羡慕你们啊!

    Recently , some sources said ," Shenzhou VII " manned spacecraft in the near future while carrying you in the sky lucky , I really envy you ah !

  2. 神舟七号是中国的第三艘载人飞船。

    Shenzhou VII is China 's third manned spaceship .

  3. 神舟七号飞船单相热控流体回路在轨性能评价

    On-orbit Performance Evaluation of Single-phase Fluid Loop System for Shenzhou-7 Spaceship

  4. 神舟七号飞船于今天开始加注推进剂。

    The Shenzhou seventh airship started the replenishment of propellant in today .

  5. 神舟七号飞船热控分系统设计和在轨性能评估

    Design and On-orbit Performance Evaluation of Thermal Control System for SHENZHOU-7 Spaceship

  6. 中国已经宣布神舟七号飞船将于周四晚上发射。

    China has announced that the Shenzhou-7 spacecraft will lift off on Thursday night .

  7. 这是继2008年神舟七号任务之后,中国宇航员进行的第二次太空行走。

    This was the second spacewalk by Chinese astronauts after the Shenzhou-7 mission in 2008 .

  8. 神舟七号微小卫星伴随飞行技术试验卫星测控雷达校飞设备在飞机上的安装

    Companion Microsatellite in SZ-7 Flight Mission Installation of Aviation Test Equipment for X-type Radar in Airplane

  9. 不久的将来,我国还要执行神舟七号、神舟八号飞行任务。

    In the near future , I will accomplish my missions in Shenzhou VII and Shenzhou VIII .

  10. 神舟七号飞船主着陆场区强对流天气的大尺度环流特征

    Large-scale Circulation Features of Severe Convention Process for the Main Landing Field of " Shenzhou No.7 "

  11. 他2008年参加了神舟七号任务,2012年参加了神舟九号任务。

    He was on the Shenzhou 7 mission in 2008 and the Shenzhou 9 mission in 2012 .

  12. 成功举办北京奥运会、残奥会,成功完成神舟七号载人航天飞行任务;

    We successfully held the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games and accomplished the Shenzhou VII manned space flight mission .

  13. 神舟七号所有六名成员都是来自从1998年挑选出来的14名第一代航天员。

    All six members of the Shenzhou VII mission belong to China 's first generation of14 astronaut candidates , selected in1998 .

  14. 今天下午,中国神舟七号飞船载着三名宇航员通过降落伞在内蒙古大草原成功着陆。贺之!

    China 's Shenzhou-7 spacecraft carrying three taikonauts landed by parachute in the afternoon in Inner Mongolia 's grassland . Congratulations !

  15. 航天员将乘坐神舟七号飞往太空,其中一名航天员将在舱外表演“太空漫步”。

    The astronauts will pilot spacecraft Shenzhou-7 to carry out the mission during which one of them will spacewalk outside the capsule .

  16. 神舟七号载人飞船将在2008年发射,届时中国航天员将首次出舱进行太空行走。

    Shenzhou VII manned spacecraft will be launched in2008 , when Chinese astronauts will conduct space walk for the first time emerged from the capsule .

  17. 作者通过定性研究分析三家报纸对中国发射神舟七号宇宙飞船这一政治事件的报道,分别计算情态表达的频率,从而研究情态取向的特征。

    The author conducted a qualitative study to analyze the frequency of modal expressions of China launching Shenzhou ⅶ spacecraft news event from the three newspapers .

  18. 在对飞船进行最后检查之后,神舟七号计划进入倒计时阶段。周二早上,运载。

    The Shenzhou-VII mission entered the countdown stage after the final check on the spacecraft , the carrier rocket and the ground operation system was completed Tuesday morning .

  19. 神舟七号飞行任务是一件喜庆和重要的事情,因此必须为此清理领空,这位拒绝透露姓名的官员表示。

    The Shenzhou 7 mission is a joyous and important matter and the airspace must be cleaned for it , said the official , who declined to be named .

  20. 继“神舟”五号和“神舟”七号分别将中国航天员成功送入太空后,中华民族千百年来探索宇宙的飞天梦想还在继续延伸。

    Shenzhou V and Shenzhou VII spacecrafts have successfully taken our astronauts to the outerspace , and this is just the beginning of our long held dream of the universe .

  21. 神舟六号已成功完成两人多天飞行,预计明年发射的神舟七号将实现航天员的舱外行走。

    Shenzhou VI spacecraft has successfully accomplished the flight task of " two astronauts , more days " last year and it is expected that Shenzhou VII will make astronauts ' extravehicular walking possible next year .