
tài yánɡ dēnɡ
  • sunlamp;sunlight lamp
太阳灯 [tài yáng dēng]
  • (1) [sun arc]∶摄制影片时用的大型灯具,它用抛物面镜反射光线

  • (2) [sunlight lamp;sunlamp]∶设计来发射由紫外线到红外线各种波长射线的电灯,尤用于治疗或人工地使皮肤呈棕色

  • (3) [sun burner]∶过去用于大房间照明的一圈或一族煤气灯头

  1. 我真正需要的是太阳灯。

    What I need is a sunlamp .

  2. 她每个星期在太阳灯底下照几小时以保持黝黑的肤色。

    She spends several hours a week under a sunlamp to keep her skin looking tanned .

  3. 致瘤的能够产生肿瘤的太阳灯(能产生紫外线的)。

    Capable of causing tumors .

  4. 我有一盏太阳灯【2】,当我坐在它下面时,它会用雨水淋我。

    I have a sun lamp , but as I sit under it , it rains on me .

  5. 太阳灯浴床并不是日光浴的安全替代方式,儿童可轻易获得成为隐患。

    Sunbeds are not a safe alternative to sunbathing , and the fact that children can easily access them is a worry .

  6. 避免太阳灯和晒黑美容院;对于18岁以下的青少年而言,世卫组织建议根本不使用它们

    Avoid sunlamps and tanning parlours ; for youth under the age of18 , WHO recommends that they do not use them at all

  7. 使用太阳灯浴床,不光是因为这比躺在太阳底下更安全,还因为太阳直射会大大提高患皮肤癌的可能性。

    Run from tanning beds . Not only are they not safer than lying in the sun , they dramatically increase your risk of getting skin cancer .

  8. 和太阳有关或太阳发出,或太阳能的使用。太阳灯能够像太阳一样放射出紫外线。

    Relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun . Solar light can send off ultraviolet rays , just like the sun does .

  9. 在布里斯托健康中心的少年儿童享受不到太阳灯,特殊的眼镜也注定会被用坏。建设该健康中心是1948年最新引入的国家免费健康服务制度的一部分。照片提供:盖提图片社

    Young children at a Bristol health centre unsure of the benefits of sun-lamps and the special glasses that must be worn , The health centre was part of the newly introduced free National Health Service in 1948 Photograph : Popperfoto / Popperfoto / Getty Images