
  • 网络great contraction
  1. 我们最好是认为全球经济正在经历第二次大收缩(SecondGreatContraction),<第一次大收缩是大萧条(GreatDepression)>,这次收缩涉及的不仅是产出和就业,还包括信贷和住房市场。

    It is better to think of the global economy as going through a Second Great Contraction ( the Great Depression being the first ) involving credit and housing , and not just output and unemployment .

  2. 本文主要阐述西北工业大学直流式低湍流度风洞设计中的几个关键问题,如大收缩比、多层网、低噪声风扇以及抑制风扇噪声上传的一些措施。

    Some key problems in the design of the NPU ( Northwestern Polytechnical University ) open-circuit low-turbulence wind tunnel are described in this paper .

  3. 高强高性能混凝土材料早期的大收缩性、混凝土节段间龄期的差异性、混凝土的水化热效应是引起箱梁早期收缩开裂的三大重要原因。

    Early shrinkage of High-strength and High-performance Concrete , the differences of age between segments and the concrete hydration heat effect are three important cause of box girder early shrinkage cracking .

  4. 蓬皮杜中心解释道:“从无限小到无限大,收缩和膨胀在焦点之间反复游走着:有弗拉芒画派的精细,还有他用于菲格拉斯博物馆剧院那幅旧画的艳丽巴洛克风格。”

    " From the infinity small to the infinity large , contraction and expansion coming in and out of focus : amazing Flemish accuracy and the showy Baroque of old painting that he used in his museum-theatre in Figueras , " explains the Pompidou Centre .

  5. Hill方程描述的张力愈大,收缩速度愈小和通常认为的肌肉力量愈大,收缩速度愈大恰好相反。

    Hill equation described the greater muscular mechanics tension , the smaller muscular velocity .

  6. 多元相关分析显示大鼠收缩压(SBP)随体质量、空腹血糖(FPG)、空腹胰岛素(FINS)、游离脂肪酸(FFA)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇(TC)等增加而升高;

    Multivariate correlation analysis revealed that SBP was elevated with the increase of body weight , FPG , FINS , FFA , TG and TC .

  7. 大断面收缩率楔横轧稳定轧制问题分析

    Analysis on rolling stability of heavy section shrinkage cross wedge rolling

  8. 楔横轧一次楔大断面收缩率成形机理

    Forming principle of heavy section shrinkage cross wedge rolling by single wedge

  9. 方法:尾动脉测压法测定大鼠收缩压;

    Method s : Systolic blood pressure was measured by tail cuff method .

  10. 大断面收缩率一次楔入轧件心部缺陷的实验研究

    Experimental study on internal defect of heavy section shrinkage workpiece under one cross wedge rolling

  11. 大黄素收缩大鼠结肠平滑肌细胞的信号转异机制研究

    Study on the mechanism of emodin on the contraction of smooth muscle cells of rat colon

  12. 该产品结构独特、收缩速度快、热缩比大、收缩力强、耐候性能优良。

    Unique structure with fast heat-shrinkage , high heat-shrinkable ratio , strong heat-shrinkable stress , excellent weather ability .

  13. 颗粒越大与收缩段壁面碰撞越剧烈,无粒子区越大。

    Big size particles had serious collision with wall of convergent region , and the region without particles was larger .

  14. 为了成形大断面收缩率轴类零件,进行了楔横轧二次楔入试验。

    For the sake of the axis accessory 's figuration , the experiment of second wedge heavy section shrinkage was carried out .

  15. 水下爆炸气泡具有体积变化大、收缩阶段呈非球形、溃灭时产生高速射流等特点。

    The underwater explosion bubble is characterized by the large volume variation , non-spherical collapse and the formation of high-speed liquid jet .

  16. 该研究拓宽了楔横轧加工界限,对大断面收缩率产品的开发有重要意义。

    This study result widens the processing limit of cross wedge rolling and is of momentous significance to develop heavy section shrinkage products of cross wedge rolling .

  17. 自由基光聚合和阳离子光聚合技术中各自存在着固有不足之处,诸如挥发性强,氧气阻聚作用大,收缩率高或者固化速度慢,水分影响严重等。

    Free radical and cationic photopolymerization possessed some intrinsic shortcomings , such as high volatility , strong oxygen inhibition , large volume shrinkage or low polymerization rate , high humidity sensitivity .

  18. 在此之前,美国经济增长已经持续疲软了一年。今年第四季度虽然尚未结束,但是经济学家相信,美国经济在今年最后三个月也将是大幅度收缩。

    The negative quarter followed a year of mostly-anemic growth , and , while the fourth quarter has yet to be completed , economists believe it , too , will show significant contraction .

  19. 不同的DNA损伤剂对大鼠血管收缩功能的影响不尽相同,这可能跟他们不同的作用机制有关。

    Different types of DNA-damage agents had different effects on the contractile function of rat thoracic aorta , which may be related to their different mode of action .

  20. 芝麻素对肾性高血压伴高血脂大鼠主动脉收缩功能和eNOS蛋白表达的影响

    Sesamin on contractile function and eNOS expression in the aorta of renal hypertensive rat with hyperlipidemia

  21. FK对麻醉大鼠心肌收缩性和血流动力学的作用

    Effects of FK on myocardial contractility and hemodynamics in anaesthetized rats

  22. 结果发现:败血症大鼠动脉收缩压、舒张压降低,同时血管平滑肌HO活性和CO生成明显增加。

    The results showed that BP of sepsis rats , including systolic and diastolic arterial BP , decreased significantly while HO activity and CO content were significantly increased .

  23. 结论Ana使离体大鼠心肌收缩力降低,心率减慢,表现出负性肌力和负性频率作用;

    Conclusion Ana was shown to decrease the myocardial contractility and slow down the heart rate , denoting negative inotropic as well as negative chronotropic action .

  24. 结果:Bai对正常麻醉大鼠心肌收缩性能有短时的抑制作用,一过性升高LVEDP,减慢HR,降低心肌耗氧量(HR×LVSP);

    Result : Baicalin inhibited the ability of myocardial contractile for a short time in normal anesthetized rats , reversely increased LVEDP , slowered HR , decreased HR × LVSP ;

  25. 结论:选择性к阿片受体选择性激动剂U50488H对大鼠心肌收缩具有明显的负性肌力作用,而且作用时间较为持久。

    CONCLUSION : U50488H has an obvious negative inotropic effect on myocardial contraction in rats with long duration .

  26. 王仲仁教授为载人航天工程空间环境模拟器与某大型风洞制造项目的总师,这两个容器的最大直径均超过12m,均有大型法兰,对于风洞还有大尺寸的收缩形体,截面变化激烈。

    R. Wang was the general engineer of the manufacturing project of the space environmental simulator and a large wind tunnel . The largest diameter in these two vessels is all larger than 12m and there are large size flanges in these two vessels .

  27. 高脂、低碳水化合物饮食致使大鼠心肌收缩功能受损。

    High-fat and low-carbohydrate diet impairs cardiac contractile function . 2 .

  28. 方法采用两肾一夹Goldblott高血压模型,尾容积法测定清醒大鼠动脉收缩压;

    SBP was measured in conscious rats by tail cuff method .

  29. α2-肾上腺素受体介导大鼠主动脉收缩的特性

    Characteristics of α _2-adrenoceptor mediated contractile response in isolated aortae of rats

  30. 注射用天花粉对妊娠后期大鼠子宫收缩的作用

    Effect of Radix trichosanthis injection on uterine contraction of late pregnant rats