
  • 网络compressible flow
  1. 用H-O网格、守恒型全位势方程、差分和隐式近似因式分解迭代算法计算绕大后掠细长翼-身组合体的可压缩流动。

    The H-O grid is suggested in this paper to compute the compressible flow past highly swept slender wing-body combinations . Full-potential equation , finite difference method and approximate factorization iteration scheme are used .

  2. 采用有限元/有限差分混合方法求解压力场和温度场,采用控制体积法跟踪熔体流动前沿,并应用Visualc++实现了注塑充填过程的可压缩流动分析。

    A hybrid FEM / FDM was employed to calculate the pressure field and temperature field , and the control volume method was adopted to advance the melt front . The compressible flow analysis of filling stage in plastics injection molding was implemented by using Visual C + + .

  3. GhostFluid方法与双介质可压缩流动计算

    Ghost Fluid Method and Computation of Compressible Two-fluid Flows

  4. Maxwell流体不可压缩流动稳定性的多尺度分析与数值模拟

    Multiscale Analysis and Numerical Simulations for Stability of Incompressible Flow of Maxwell Fluid

  5. 用于可压缩流动的格子Boltzmann模型的数学理论

    The Mathematical Theory of Lattice Boltzmann Model for Compressible Flows

  6. 从而给出了格子Boltzmann方程用于可压缩流动的数学理论。

    Then , we present the Boltzmann equations mathematical theory in compressible flows .

  7. 用不可压缩流动的求解算法,结合WilcoxDC提出的kω模式和kωSST湍流模式,对翼型的动态失速进行了数值模拟。

    Dynamic stall of the airfoil is numerically simulated with incompressible flow solver accompanied with the k ω turbulence model proposed by Wilcox D C and the k ω SST turbulence model .

  8. 用FLUENT软件对安装开式壁龛(长深比L/D10)的超燃冲压发动机燃烧室内的高速可压缩流动进行冷态数值模拟,以方便处理试验结果。

    Numerical simulation of the inner supersonic compressible flow in a scramjet combustor with open cavities was carried out using FLUENT software to dispose the process of the experimental data .

  9. 参照可压缩流动计算的中心格式有限体积法完成了拟压缩方法二维定常不可压Euler方程的推导和流动计算程序的编写。

    With introduction of pseudo compressibility , two-dimensional Euler Equations are derived . Referring to compressible method , central finite volume scheme is employed to develop a computational code .

  10. 本文研究表明了气动BGK格式对可压缩流动的良好的模拟能力,揭示了其广阔的应用前景。

    Present study reveals the good property of the gas-kinetic BGK scheme in the simulation of compressible flows that ensures its wide applications .

  11. 运用半交错网格设置对不可压缩流动的Navier-Stokes方程进行数值离散求解,文中对不合理压力场产生的原因及抑制方法进行了探讨,导出了压力控制体界面上速度的修正表达式。

    An algorithm for solution of Navier-Stokes equations on a semi-staggered grid is researched . The causes of unreasonable pressure field s and the restraints are discussed and the velocity modification on the faces of the pressure control volume is derived .

  12. SF6高压断路器开断过程中灭弧室内的吹弧气体是一种非定常,可压缩流动。这种流动是用抛物-双曲型N-S方程或欧拉方程来描述的。

    During the breaking process of SF6 high voltage circuit breaker , the gas blast in arc quenching chamber is a kind of time dependent 、 compressible flow of fluid described by a parabola-hyperboloid type N-S or Euler equation set .

  13. 用Osher格式求解三维、可压缩流动方程组,计算和分析了某火炮膛口气流现象。

    The three-dimensional compressible flow equations were solved using the Osher 's scheme . The flow phenomena of a gun 's muzzle were calculated and analyzed .

  14. 采用有限体积方法求解定常可压缩流动的质量加权平均N-S方程和标准k-ε湍流模型,模拟地效飞行器地面巡航全机流场。

    Numerical results are presented by simulating the flow field around a WIG ( Wing-in-ground effect ) craft over ground . The Favre-averaged N-S equation of steady compressible flow and the standard k - ε turbulence model are solved by the finite-volume method .

  15. 轴对称弯道内粘性不可压缩流动的研究

    Research on the Viscous Incompressible Fluid Flow in Axisymmetric Curvature Passage

  16. 亚声速圆锥扩压器内紊流可压缩流动的数值计算

    Numerical calculation of subsonic compressible turbulent flow in a conical diffuser

  17. 转动园盘上可压缩流动换热的计算研究

    Calculation of compressible flow and heat transfer on a rotating disk

  18. 用虚拟压缩方法求解不可压缩流动

    Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Artificial Compressibility Method

  19. 二元拉伐尔喷管不可压缩流动精确解

    An Exact Solution for Incompressible Flow Through a Two-Dimensional Laval Nozzle

  20. 用分步有限元法求解三维不可压缩流动

    Fractional step finite element method for three dimensional incompressible flows

  21. 注塑成型充填过程的可压缩流动分析

    Compressible flow analysis of filling stage in plastic injection molding

  22. 计算不可压缩流动问题的一种新方法:弧长-流函数法

    A New Approach to Calculate Incompressible Flow : S - Ψ Method

  23. 可压缩流动稳定性方程求解与转捩预测

    The solution of compressible stability equations and forecasting of transition

  24. 应用改进虚拟流方法计算多介质可压缩流动

    Modified ghost fluid method and computation for compressible multi-fluid flows

  25. 计算二维粘性不可压缩流动的隐式流线迭代法

    The Implicit Method of Streamline Iteration for Computing Two-Dimensional Viscous Incompressible Flow

  26. 高速射流侵彻的可压缩流动分析

    Analysis of compressible flow on high - velocity jet penetration

  27. 注塑成型充填/后充填过程统一的可压缩流动分析

    A unified compressible flow analysis of filling and post-filling in injection molding

  28. 微细光滑管内可压缩流动换热特性的数值研究

    Numerical study of heat transfer characteristics for compressible fluid flow in smooth microtubes

  29. 可压缩流动中非线性涡粘性模型的研究

    Study of Compressible Flows with Nonlinear Eddy Viscosity Models

  30. 一维多介质可压缩流动的守恒型界面追踪方法

    A conservative front-tracking method for one-dimensional compressible multi-fluid flow