
  • 网络stock market crash;Great Crash
  1. 直到2008年大崩盘(GreatCrash)之前,这架金融旋转木马都在毫无顾忌地转动着。

    Until the Great Crash of2008 , this financial merry-go-round spun regardless .

  2. 1929年股市大崩盘

    Stock Market crash of 1929

  3. 上一次股市大崩盘后,美联储推出了第二轮量化宽松和“扭转操作”。

    QE2 and operation twist were announced after market drops .

  4. 1929年的股市大崩盘拉垮了整个美国经济

    The stock-market crash in 1929 has brought the economy to its knees .

  5. 历史上的两次股市大崩盘

    Two Great Falls of Stock in History

  6. 历史表明,股市在经历大崩盘后,可能持续10年横盘整理。

    History suggests that stock markets can move sideways for a decade after a big crash .

  7. 白酒面临终端大崩盘

    Liquors Face Terminal Market Collapse

  8. 和平时期,当生意萧条时,股票市场大崩盘也造成了经济大萧条。

    In times of peace , when business was bad , The crash triggered the Great Depression .

  9. 泡沫中过度膨胀的名气在1929年的大崩盘中迅速蒸发,暴露出太多的欺诈者。

    Reputations inflated in the bubble promptly evaporated in the 1929 crash , which exposed a plethora of swindles .

  10. 直到90年代初委内瑞拉经济大崩盘并且设计者去世。

    until the collapse of the Venezuelan economy and the death of the developer in the early ' 90s .

  11. 这种操作持续了数年,并于大崩盘时达到顶峰,其结果是巨额财富亏损。

    The process went on for years and culminated in a crash that caused wealth destruction amounting to trillions of dollars .

  12. 纳税人不能为企业主管们奢侈的红利或者金色保护伞买单。这些企业主管不负责任的表现也加重了这次大崩盘。

    Taxpayer money can not fund lavish bonuses or golden parachutes for CEO 's whose irresponsibility helped bring on this meltdown .

  13. 随着衰退加深,破产申请数也将再次接近2005年的水平,从而加剧了信用卡大崩盘。

    As the recession has deepened , meanwhile , bankruptcy filings are once more approaching 2005 levels , fuelling the credit card meltdown .

  14. 这个高楼一直在施工,直到90年代初委内瑞拉经济大崩盘并且设计者去世。

    The building was under construction until the collapse of the Venezuelan economy and the death of the developer in the early ' 90s .

  15. 在不到十年后的今天,尽管房地产大崩盘让所有人发誓永远不再(涉足地产),但房价的上涨之势又在重演。

    Less than a decade later , and despite a humongous property crash that has left everyone swearing never again , house prices are doing it again .

  16. 奥巴马需要适当的语言环境,才能提醒选民:自2008年10月的大崩盘以来,全球需求已经出现收缩,从而导致石油价格下跌。

    For Mr Obama to remind voters that global demand had contracted after the October 2008 meltdown , causing oil prices to fall , requires a little context .

  17. 历史上泡沫事件曾多次上演,荷兰的郁金香泡沫、法国的密西西比泡沫、英国的南海泡沫及1929年美国股市大崩盘,这些都是投机泡沫的典例。

    There are many famous bubble events in the long river of human history , such as the tulip bubble in Dutch , the Mississippi bubble in France , the South Sea bubble in the UK , and the 1929 stock market crash in the US .

  18. 在每个极端,各国政府(尤其是美国政府)的回应都是向金融体系注资,以期阻止更大范围的崩盘,它们在某种程度上获得了成功。

    Governments , and particularly the US government , reacted on each occasion by pumping money into the financial system in the hope of staving off wider collapse , with some degree of success .

  19. 改变大投入、大广告、大促销的营销策略,建立高效资源整合发展战略,促进终端怪圈大崩盘。

    The promotion strategy of large investment , lots of ads , and large scale promotion should be regulated to realize high-efficiency resources integration and to avoid liquor terminal market collapse .