
  1. 这位大师是个英语讲得很熟练的外交家。

    The ambassador was a skillful English-speaking diplomat .

  2. 最后她更成为藏密大师卡卢仁波切七十年代讲游欧美时的随身翻译。

    Eventually she became personal translator to the guru as , during the Seventies , he travelled through Europe and America .

  3. 撒旦是个语言大师,既能讲豪言壮语鼓舞士气的语言,也擅长甜言蜜语诱惑人类堕落的谎言。

    Satan is a master of language . He can not only speak the language of bravery which can cheer up his followers to fight , but also is good at speaking sweet words which can tempt mankind to fall .