
  • 网络block trading;block trade;Big Deal;block transactions
  1. 大宗交易制度:机构投资者的特殊安排

    Block trading System : Special Arrangement of Institutional investors

  2. 最后,本文从完善大宗交易机制和加强大宗交易有效的市场监管方面提出了政策建议。

    Finally , the paper makes policy recommendations to improve the block trading mechanisms and strengthen effective block trading market supervision .

  3. 自2008年以来的全球10大ecm交易中,五个是大宗交易。

    Five of the top 10 global ECM deals since 2008 have been block trades .

  4. 另外,美国银行可能还会考虑将所持建行股权,或其中一部分,出售给机构投资者,而非进行大宗交易(blocktrades)。

    Moreover , BofA may also consider selling its stake , or part thereof , to institutional investors rather than doing block trades .

  5. 今年9月,AIG又出售了一批价值20亿美元的友邦保险股票,这一大宗交易(blocktrade)卖出了少见的溢价。

    In September this year , AIG sold a further $ 2bn worth of AIA shares in a block trade that attracted a rare premium .

  6. 银行业人士表示,一个值得注意的趋势是,在中国等迅速增长的经济体中,企业越来越多地利用大宗交易(blocktrades)为自己的扩张计划融资。

    Bankers say that one notice-able trend has been companies ' use of block trades to help fund expansion plans in fast-growing economies such as China .

  7. 提出了一种面向B2B大宗交易的客户协商交易系统,描述了其原理及技术实现。

    A consulting-trade system towards a large amount trade of B2B is put forward , and principle and technical implementation are described .

  8. 然而,仍有大宗交易在酝酿中,2001年9月3日,惠普(HP)向康柏(Compaq)发出250亿美元的全股票收购报价,此举令市场感到意外。

    However , there were still significant deals in the pipeline and on September 3 2001 , Hewlett-Packard surprised the market with a $ 25bn all-paper bid for Compaq .

  9. 根据数据提供商dealogic的数据,友邦保险的股票配售将是亚洲今年规模最大的大宗交易,也是第四笔涉及友邦保险的大宗交易。

    The AIA placement would be the biggest block trade in Asia this year , and the fourth involving AIA , according to Dealogic .

  10. 挤压纽交所市场空间的不仅有bats之类的新兴交易所,还有“暗池”供机构间进行大宗交易的私募交易所以及进行内部交易的银行。

    The NYSE has been squeezed out not only by upstart exchanges such as bats , but by " dark pools " private exchanges on which institutions trade with each other in large blocks and by banks making transactions internally .

  11. 另外,大宗交易还有助于发展与重要客户的关系。

    Block trades can also help develop relationships with important clients .

  12. 试析大宗交易对股市流动性的影响

    Preliminary Analysis on the Influence of Block Trade on Stock Market Liquidity

  13. 证券大宗交易系统网络安全设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Network Security on Block Trade System

  14. 奢侈品零售商在期盼大宗交易的出现。

    Luxury retailers are hoping for a lot of those big-ticket purchases .

  15. 大宗交易平台是为会员之间搭建的服务平台。

    Block Trade Platform is a service platform built between the members .

  16. 他说,人们在进行大宗交易时往往使用信用卡。

    Credit cards tended to be used for higher value transactions , he said .

  17. 机构投资者在企业重组和大宗交易市场上具有重要作用。

    The institutional investors play an important role in enterprise restructuring and the block-dealing market .

  18. 大宗交易对偏好快速交易的投行也是一大福利。

    Block trades have also proved a boon for investment banks that prefer rapid-fire deals .

  19. 它们有能力为大宗交易筹措资金、进行安排和管理其复杂性。

    They have the capacity to finance , arrange and handle the complexity of large deals .

  20. 拥有本所专用席位的机构可通过该席位进行大宗交易。

    An institution possessing a special seat on this Exchange may have the block trade through the seat .

  21. 金融危机下大股东大宗交易行为的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis on the Block Transfers by Large Shareholders Under the Circumstances of Financial Crisis in China

  22. 本文最后对如何完善国内证券市场大宗交易制度提出了政策建议。

    Finally the article proposes some policy advices to perfect the rules of large trade in the domestic security market .

  23. 对这次“闪电崩盘”为期五个月的调查显示,可能是由于单比大宗交易。

    A five-month federal investigation of the so-called flash crash suggested a single big trade may have been the cause .

  24. 统一国债市场,发展场外市场,试行大宗交易市场,以实现交易场所的统一化及层次化;

    Unifying GBM , developing over-the-counter market and building an block trading market to realize integrity and diversification of transaction system ;

  25. 在美国和欧洲,监管层已在实行一些计划以促使暗盘实时发布交易信息(除非是超大宗交易)。

    Plans are afoot in America and Europe to make dark pools publish orders instantly , unless they are of bulk size .

  26. 通过这三方面的安全设计,将证券大宗交易系统的安全统筹分析并实现。

    After discussing the security design about three factor , we analyze and implement the security in the Bond Block Trade System .

  27. 千百万人只买卖少量的股票和期货,而共同基金或托拉斯则进行大宗交易。

    Millions of individuals buy and sell small lots of stocks and commodities while mutual funds and trusts trade in large lots .

  28. 对于大宗交易制度降低透明度引起的不公平,应以有效的监管予以弥补。

    As for the unfairness arising from the transparency reduction by the system , effective supervision should be used to make up for it .

  29. 数千笔大宗交易不断地被分拆成小部分,以通过电子交易所,然后再重新合并成大宗交易。

    Thousands of big trades are constantly being broken down into little pieces in order to pass through electronic exchanges before being reassembled into blocks .

  30. 不过,这轮抛售大潮正在改变市场动态,迫使银行家为大宗交易寻找新型买家。

    However , the surge in sales is changing the dynamics of the market , forcing bankers to seek new types of buyers for the blocks .