
  1. 招投标采购方法是市场经济下资源配置的有效手段,市场经济国家的大额采购活动基本上都是采用了招投标的方法,它具有公开、公平和公正的特点。中文图书采购招投标的实施

    Bidding is an effective method of transaction in market . Avow and equity is its feature . Purchasing Chinese Books by Public Bidding

  2. 供应商是如何选择的?对大量或大额采购是否从两家或更多的供应商处获得报价或竞投?

    How do you choose vendors ? Are quotations or bids obtained from two or more suppliers on purchases of large quantities or dollar value ?

  3. 在中国,这些新规定启动了抵押贷款进程,使普通居民将手中的房屋变为主要抵押品,进而为其它大额采购提供融资。

    In China , the new rules kick-started the mortgage process and gave ordinary citizens a hefty chunk of collateral to finance other big-ticket purchases .

  4. 螺旋上升的债务使得美国和英国无力承担“选择之战”,对于大额采购项目缩减方案的搜索行动也开始启动。

    Spiralling government debt in America and Britain means that " wars of choice " are no longer affordable and the search is on for cuts in big procurement programmes .

  5. 随后,由副总裁(大额采购)、经理(中等规模的采购)或采购人员(小量采购)对采购申请做出批准或拒绝的批示。

    The request is approved or rejected by a vice president ( for large request ), a manager ( for medium sized request ), or by purchasing ( for small requests ) .

  6. 我们不能低估两方面的成本:一是企业由于无法预测政策轨迹而推迟投资和创造就业;二是消费者面对政策的不确定性而推迟大额采购。

    We should not underestimate the costs of businesses holding off on investment and job creation because they cannot predict the course of policy , and the cost of consumers deferring large purchases against the backdrop of policy uncertainty .

  7. 快闪店由于开设的时间有限,一般会给人造成一种紧迫感,所以往往会促进销量,而且经常会转化为更大额的采购。

    Pop-up shops inherently evoke a sense of urgency with limited time offers , which helps boost sales and often converts to larger purchases .

  8. “快闪”店由于开设的时间有限,一般会给人造成一种紧迫感,所以往往会促进销量,而且经常会转化为更大额的采购。

    Pop-up shops inherently evoke a sense of urgency with " limited time " offers , which helps boost sales and often converts to larger purchases .

  9. 中国企业也没闲着,它们在海外从事大额收购,大肆采购自然资源,并任由海外利润在海外积累。

    Chinese companies , for their part , are making big-ticket foreign acquisitions , buying up natural resources and letting foreign profits accumulate overseas .