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First , using event study analyze that whether the event of release caused short-term and long-term shock on the stock market . Then using GARCH model research the change of volatility before and after release .
Does the Lifting of Non-Tradable Shares Impact the China Security Market
The Analysis of Non-tradable Share Conversions to Stock Market Volatility
The author cited the non-lifting of the ban after the reduction of the size of a typical case .
Influence of Large and Small-sized Non-tradable Shares on Stock Price of Listed Enterprise of A Stock Market in China
Listed companies which accrued profit is positive from January to May of 2008 adopt earning management via using provision for loss in 2007 .
Securities Market , State-Owned Enterprises Reform and Social Security System Perfection & A Reflection on Coming into Sale of Large or Small Non-Tradable Share
By analyzing the data of lifting shares during 2006 and 2010 , it is thought that the capital market will face enormous pressure in the next few years .
Further evidence indicates that the size of the demand for non-lifting of the ban on the impact of stock market , which brought the psychological expectations for the investors , especially in the weak market .
The sum on earning management of accruals and projects is the number and extent of whole earning management . The result of testing data support assumption 1 : there is much more earning management in listed Companies with relieving of banned-exchange shares .
In a word , the practical impact of the ban-lifting of " the large and small non-circulating stocks " to the A Share is very limited , but the psychological impact could not be underestimated .
Through game analysis of the non-tradable shareholders and tradable shareholders , this article concludes that : in the equilibrium market and the bear market , once lifting the ban of non-tradable shareholders , non-tradable shareholders will choose to reduce .