
  1. 基于LED图文屏的多灰度图像实现方法

    Method of Multi-grey Image Realization Based on Chart-article LED Screen

  2. 一种实现全彩色多灰度LED大屏幕图象显示技术研究

    A Study of Technology for Resolution of Full-color Multiple-gray LED Large Screen Display

  3. 实验表明,此方法可以最大限度地利用原有图文屏的简单电路,可靠、价格低廉地显示多灰度LED图像。

    The experiments indicated that this method can utilize the original simple circuit of chart-article LED screen to maximum , and display multi-grey level LED images reliably and inexpensively .

  4. 激光刻字机输出多灰度级TIF图象的方法

    A way of carve poly-gray level TIF image on the laser carving machine

  5. 本文从低功耗、高成品率、多灰度级、彩色滤色器高性能和宽视角等五个方面概要介绍有源矩阵液晶显示器(AM-LCD)近年来的发展动向。

    The recent developments of AM-LCDs are introduced in respects of low power consumption , high yield , high gray shade , high performance of color filter , and wide viewing angle .

  6. 介绍一种通过取得VGA卡上获得数字视频信号后在LED大屏幕上获得实时全彩色多灰度图象的显示技术。

    This paper introduces a display technology that the large screen of LED dot matrix has the real time display full color multiple gray display resolution after the digital signal of computer VGA board has been obtained .

  7. 多灰度动态RIP技术用于现有设备RIP软件的升级,既提高了输出画面质量,还改善了设备操作方便性。

    In conclusion , the upgrade of current RIP software could benefit a lot from the multiscale and dynamic RIP technique which improves not only the output image quality but also the conveniency of operation for users .

  8. 用光学方法实现多灰度级图像的区域分割

    Realization of Region Splitting of Multi-gray Level Picture with Optical Method

  9. 基于四叉树的多灰度级图像压缩编码方法研究

    Compression Coding for Multi - gray Image Based on Quadtree

  10. 利用光折变晶体实现多灰度级图像的区域分割

    Region Splitting of Multi-gray Level picture by Using Photorefractive Crystal

  11. 此外,该算法能够用于多灰度级图像水印的嵌入。

    Furthermore , it can embed a multi - lever gray image .

  12. 激光多灰度图像标刻中自适应纹理模板及图像矫正算法的研究

    Study of Self-adaptive Texture Template and Distortion Correction in Multi-Gray Laser Marking System

  13. 多级安全数据库的语义多灰度级实时面相关器

    THE SEMANTICS OF MULTILEVEL SECURE DATABASE Real-time Area Correlator of Multiple Grey Scale

  14. 多灰度层次图像的的快速模糊边缘检测算法

    Fast Fuzzy Algorithm for Edge Detection of Multi-Level Image

  15. 基于多级误差扩散的多灰度图像激光雕刻算法研究

    Research on Laser Marking Algorithm of Multi-Grey Image Based on Multi-Scale Error Diffusion

  16. 并从理论上讨论了实现多灰度级图像区域分割的一般情况。

    The general aspect in theory is discussed .

  17. 多灰度级显示线条算法探讨

    Displaying Line through Gray - Scale Transformation

  18. 多灰度等级图象分割算法及实现

    Image Segmentation with Multiple Gray Levels

  19. 应用多灰度阈值细胞图象分割法自动识别十类白细胞

    Application of Multiple Sequential Grey Level Thresholds for Segmentation to Automatic Recognition of Ten Types of WBC

  20. 针对此不足,提出一种基于多灰度图像真实性认证的直方图对无损数据隐藏新方法。

    Therefore , a lossless data hiding scheme of histogram pair was proposed based on multi-gray image authenticity certification .

  21. 多灰度图像的激光雕刻算法是研究如何通过激光雕刻来逼真再现具有连续色调的灰度图像。

    The laser marking algorithm of Multi-Grey image mostly research how to reappearance continuous tone image through laser marking .

  22. 它能通过对各打印针的控制,方便地输出多灰度单色图像,且具较高的清晰度和定位精度。

    Controlling each pin , it can print multi-grey monochromatic image with good clearness and high location accuracy eas - ily .

  23. 此方法特别适用于具有多灰度背景噪声的多灰度的多目标识别,而且方法简单,易于实现。

    This method is specially suitable to the recognization of multiple objects with multiple grey levels and is easy to be implemented .

  24. 它具有电压低,功耗小,寿命长以及易实现多灰度、全彩色显示的特点,因此一直是液晶显示的主流模式。

    It is mainstream displays because of its low operate voltage , low consumption , long life , more gray , full-color capability characteristics .

  25. 给出了一种阈化处理激光散斑光强多灰度值分布(如256级灰度)的方法。

    This paper presents a method of intensity thresholding for the laser speckle patterns of multi gray levels ( for example 256 levels ) .

  26. 以嵌入多灰度级水印的数字图像为对象,对频域改动分析和局部空间篡改检测的试验结果都表明该方案是行之有效的。

    Some experiments show that this algorithm is effective in detecting changes in the local space and frequency regions in the image . grade .

  27. 提出了图像显示多灰度多彩色抖动算法及帧速率控制技术,以及对图像显示进行控制实现图像特殊显示效果,如硬件旋转、画中画、透明显示及虚拟显示等。

    Furthermore , some special effects such as hardware rotation , PIP , Ink-layer transparency and virtual display are realized through controlling image display data .

  28. 利用边缘的一般特征和图像中邻域像素的关联性,根据不同的灰度区域自适应地选取算法参数,用于对多灰度级边缘的图像进行边缘提取。

    The algorithm uses the general property of the edges and the relationship between neighborhood pixels , and adaptively chooses parameters according to different gray areas .

  29. 由此可见,信道编码是提高基于轨道角动量纠缠的量子多灰度鬼成像质量的一种有效方法。

    It can be seen that channel coding is an effective method to improve the image quality of the entangled quantum ghost imaging using orbital angular momentum .

  30. 实验利用多灰度阈值法,所得到的分类准确率达91.8%(8类细胞问题,279个试验细胞,包括4类未成熟的细胞)。

    Based on the method , Multiple Sequential Thresholds for Segmentation , the experiment on data set of 279 samples , 8 types of cells , including 4 types of immature cells , resulted in the classification rate of 91.8 % .