
  • 网络MMX
  1. 面向多媒体指令集,本文提出了一种新的SIMD代码生成算法ICG-ME。

    For multimedia instruction set , a new algorithm ICG-ME for the generation of SIMD code is proposed .

  2. 最后又用多媒体指令集即MMX技术对环路滤波模块做了进一步的优化。

    Then use the multimedia instruction set that MMX technology on the decoder is optimized , mainly on the loop filter module is optimized .

  3. 本文首先从多媒体扩展指令集和多媒体实际程序两个角度去分析SIMD编译优化的机遇和问题所在。

    This dissertation starts by analyzing of both opportunities and obstacles of SIMD optimization from two aspects : MMEs and real-life multimedia applications .

  4. 一种基于多媒体增强指令集(MMX)技术的生物医学信号采样数据软件解调方案。

    A novel sampled data software demodulation solution for biomedical signal acquisition based on Multimedia Extensions ( MMX ) technology is introduced in this paper .

  5. 针对实际多媒体程序和多媒体扩展指令集的SIMD编译优化处理器阵列及其在数值运算与数据库运算中的运用

    SIMD Compiling Optimization for Real-life Multimedia Applications and Multimedia Extensions PROCESSOR ARRAY AND ITS APPLICATIONS TO NUMERICAL COMPUTATION AND DATABASE OPERATION

  6. 数字媒体处理器是一种针对视音频的DSP,为了用于实现视音频等多媒体数据处理,其处理器结构经过了特别优化设计,且提供了丰富的多媒体处理指令集。

    The hardware structure of DSP processor is especially designed for multimedia data processing . Not only plentiful multimedia data processing instructions are available , but also it is more flexible for implementation of video encoder than ASIC chip .

  7. 为了用于实现多媒体数据处理,针对音视频的DSP处理器结构经过了特别优化设计,且提供了丰富的多媒体处理指令集。

    The hardware structure of DSP processor core is especially designed for multimedia data processing , and plentiful multimedia data processing instructions are available .

  8. 多媒体扩展主要利用多媒体程序中广泛存在的SIMD并行性以获得性能加速,加速主要体现在多媒体扩展指令集对小数据类型运算和多媒体程序中常见但比较复杂运算的SIMD支持上。

    The multimedia extension mainly takes advantage of the widely existence of SIMD parallelism in program to achieve performance acceleration . The acceleration is implemented by SIMD instruction sets support for small data type operations and classical complex operations .