
  • 网络multi-master
  1. 基于多主型SPI接口的CAN总线中继器设计

    Design of Repeaters Based on Multi-master SPI for CAN Bus

  2. 该技术允许在多主多从的配置下,可以实现基于MODBUS的更加可靠的通信。

    This technology makes the communication based on MODBUS securer in a multi-master and multi-slave system .

  3. 多主元合金AlCrMnFeNiCux的组织与性能研究

    Microstructure and Properties of Multi-principal Elements Alloy AlCrMnFeNiCu_x

  4. AlxCoCrCuFeNi多主元高熵合金的微观结构和力学性能

    Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of Al_xCoCrCuFeNi High-Entropy Alloys

  5. 多主STD总线工业控制系统

    Industrial control computer system with the multiprocessor STD Bus

  6. 同时,分布式控制中多主CE集群的可用性与载荷种类和子集群的划分有密切关系。

    And availability of the cluster is closely related to the load types and division of sub-cluster .

  7. 详细讨论了在舞台控制系统中利用DSP实现多主式控制通信,采用多路并行计数器解决脉冲丢失,多路同时请求下的DSP控制以及利用DSP方便地实现对电机运动控制。

    This system adapt to multi-channels counter solute the pulse 's losing , DSP control which multi-channels reediest at the same time and the convenient realization of motor control .

  8. 运用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、能谱分析仪、X射线衍射仪、热分析仪对多主元合金进行了显微结构、元素分布、相组成、热性能和定向凝固组织演化规律的研究。

    The phase , distribution of element , microstructure evolution and thermal property of multi-principal-element alloys were examined by using optical microscope , SEM , EDS , XRD , DSC .

  9. 多重中PRF多主/无子波形设计和性能估计

    Design and Performance Evaluation of Medium PRF Multiple Majors / No Minor Waveform

  10. SLE存在多主基因效应、主基因模型拟合最好,支持在多基因基础上符合孟德尔遗传的主基因效应。

    The genetic model of SLE could be the major gene trait , and major gene mode was the best fitted one .

  11. 分销系统中的多主多从Stackelberg主从对策问题研究主从多道程序设计方式

    The Analysis on Stackelberg Problem with Multiple Leaders-follwers in Distribution System ; master-slave multiprogramming mode

  12. 多主PPI协议的应用报文格式选用西门子公司200系列PLC内部封装的PPI协议规定的格式,奇偶校验检错。

    The format of the code is binary message of the PLC encapsulating inside and odd-even check is used for picking up faults .

  13. 详细介绍了保护装置硬件电路的构成及其特点,采用可构成真正的多主冗余系统的CAN(ControllerAreaNetwork)总线网,同时采用RS-485通信网络,以适应不同层次的应用需要。

    The hardware constitution and features are presented . CAN ( Controller Area Network ) is adopted to form a multi-master redundant system , RS - 485 communication network is also adopted to adapt to different applications .

  14. 根据仿真结果可知,负载均衡式的多主CE集群比分布式控制的集群可用性要高。

    According to the simulation results , a conclusion can be obtained which availability of the multiple CEs cluster of load balancing is greater than the cluster of distributed control .

  15. 基于此,提出了一种基于Shamir(t,n)门限秘密共享的多主密钥管理新算法。

    According to this , a multi-root key authorizing management algorithm is put forward , which is based on Shamir ( t , n ) threshold secret sharing .

  16. 本文就PROFIBUS的协议,并结合应用对多主多从系统的互联通信技术进行了一定的阐述。

    The protocol of PROFIBUS is introduced in this paper , which combines inter-linkage communication technology of Hybrid system ( multi-master station and multi-slave station ) .

  17. 建立了具有多主多从的Stackelberg对策模型,给出了基于进化博弈论的模型求解算法。

    The Stackelberg model with multiple leaders-followers is constructed , and the algorithm based on evolutionary game theory is proposed to solve the model .

  18. 其中还包括对目录服务器的多主(multi-homed)支持。

    It also includes multi-homed support for directory servers .

  19. 根据I2C的多主多从、实现简单、器件多样等特性,在多个处理器上进行编程,实现了一种方便、灵活的测控系统。

    According to the characteristics of I2C bus , a convenient and flexible measurement and control system is implemented by programming on some processors .

  20. 为此,本文对模型进行了修正,将一个多主CE集群分成两个功能不同的子集群,然后将两个子集群通过串联的方式合成一个具有分布式控制功能的多主CE集群。

    Therefore , this thesis amends the model , and makes the multiple CEs cluster divide into two different sub-clusters . And then two sub-clusters are synthesized by means of series to a multiple CEs cluster which achieves the distributed control function .

  21. 局域网络是将小区域内的各种通信设备互连在一起的通信网络,基于WINDOWSnt域的模式可以有三种构架方案:单域模式、单主域模式、多主域模式。

    LAN is a communication network that interconnects all communication devices within a small area . The model based on the domain of Windows NT has three kinds of projects : single domain model , single main domain model and multiple main domain model .

  22. 应用HART协议能使仪表既保留传统两线制传输的优点,并且还可实现多主通信、多点控制,易于对远距离现场仪表进行组态控制。

    By making use of the HART protocol not only can retain the advantages of the traditional two wire system transmission , but also can realize multimaster communication , multipoint control and configuration control of remote field instruments .

  23. 当Stackelberg对策具有多主者多从者时,传统的Stackelberg模型求解算法从方法上将面临困难,因而文章着重研究了多主多从Stackelberg对策的算法。

    When Stackelberg game has multiple leaders-followers , the traditional methods will be difficult to deal with the situation , so the algorithm of Stackelberg game with multiple leaders-followers is studied in the paper .

  24. 与传统的RS232总线相比,CAN总线是一个高速、长距离、多主、经济的网络系统,特别适用于实时系统。

    Compared with the conventional RS 232 bus , the Controller Area Network ( CAN ) is a high speed , long distance , multi master and cost effective network system especially suitable for real time control system .

  25. 研究不同核函数、核函数参数对估计精度的影响。研究驾驶员眼睛视线方向提取方法,提出基于Multi-PCA(多主元分析)的眼睛视线方向识别方法。

    The kernel functions and their parameters ' effects on pose angle estimation precision are also studied . A method based on Multi-PCA ( Principal Component Analysis ) to recognize eye gaze direction has been proposed in this paper .

  26. 矿井多主扇联合运转分析

    Analysis of Joint Operation of Multiple Main Fans in a Mine

  27. CAN总线是多主对等系统,支持竞争。

    CAN bus was multiple masters equity system , sustained competition .

  28. 基于数传电台的多主通讯系统的实现

    The Implementation of Multi-master Communication System with Data Radio Transceiver

  29. 动态多主元模型故障检测方法在变工况过程中的应用

    Fault Detection Under Varying Load Conditions Based on Dynamic Multi-Principal Component Models

  30. 多主元高熵合金研究进展

    High-entropy Alloy with Multi-principal Elements & State of the Art