
  1. 当前传输网络有两大趋势:IP化和多媒体化。

    Two obvious trends in the current transmission network are IP and Multi-media .

  2. 目前通信业务正在朝着IP化、多媒体化、融合化和移动化的趋势发展。

    Currently communication service is moving to the IP-based , multimedia-oriented , integration-based and mobile-oriented direction .

  3. 尤其是目前Internet发展迅速,而且其节点数还正在呈指数级增长;网络传输正在向大容量、高速化、多媒体化的方向发展。

    Especially Internet is rapidly developed and the number of nodes is increasing at exponent level toward the giant capacity , high speed and multimedia .

  4. 论CAI的多媒体化

    The dealing with multimedia of CAI

  5. 随着Internet的发展和普及,网络应用趋于多元化,同时对网络的带宽和多媒体化提出了越来越高的要求。

    With the development and popularity of Internet , the network is applied to various fields . Meanwhile , it requires more and more bandwidth to meet the demand of multimedia applications .

  6. 系统将传统的视频、音频及控制信号数字化,以IP包的形式在网络上传输,实现了视频/音频的数字化、系统的网络化、应用的多媒体化以及管理的智能化。

    System of traditional video , digital audio and control signals to the form of IP packets transmitted over the network to realize the video / audio , digital , system , networking , multimedia applications , as well as management of intelligence .

  7. 随着信息技术、网络技术和IC集成技术的高速发展,嵌入式系统的未来将向多媒体化和网络化方向发展,特别是与Internet、无线网络的结合。

    With the development of information , networks and IC technology , the direction of development of embedded system is multimedia and networks , especially , combination of Internet or wireless networks . It is convenient for people to enjoy the pleasure of life anytime and anywhere .

  8. 3G时代的到来标志着移动通信的宽带化和多媒体化,把在互联网上大获成功的富媒体业务移植到移动网中已经成为了用户的迫切需求。

    The arrival of 3G age indicates the development of mobile communication into broadband and multimedia based , and rich media business which has been successful on the Internet is urgently needed by users to be transplanted to the mobile network .

  9. 从未来发展来看,手机媒体的发展趋势是3G化、多媒体化、娱乐化以及在社会中广泛应用等,但同时手机媒体在发展的过程中还需要克服许多的障碍。

    From the development of future , the development trend of the mobile phone media is 3G , multimedia , amusing , etc. but the mobile phone media needs to overcome a lot of obstacles in the course of development at the same time .

  10. 其技术特点是数字化、网络化、智能化和多媒体化。

    The characters is digital , internet , intelligentize and multimedia .

  11. 公共图书馆地方文献的电子多媒体化

    On the Electronic Multimedia of the Local Document of Public Libraries

  12. 广播电视中心发展新趋势&多媒体化初探

    New Developing Trend of Radio and TV Centres ── Exploration on Multimedia

  13. 信息系统的多媒体化给检索带来了新挑战。

    The multimedia is bringing information retrieval new challenges .

  14. 这种设计将传统的测试系统多媒体化、网络化,可以方便地应用于其他功能测试系统,具有较高的推广价值。

    The design can also be applied to other cognitive function test systems .

  15. 21世纪英语专业听力教材多媒体化探讨

    On Multimedia Textbook for Listening Comprehension Course for English Majors in the 21st Century

  16. 计算机教学系统已从单机多媒体化转向了网络多媒体化。

    Computerized teaching system has evolved from multimedia on single computer to network multimedia .

  17. 教学手段应多媒体化;

    Multimedia should be used in teaching .

  18. 数字媒体设计以数字化、网络化、虚拟化和多媒体化为特征,具有丰富的内涵。

    Digital media design digital , network , virtualization and multi-media into features with rich connotations .

  19. 大量多媒体化信息的产生使得基于内容的检索技术成为研究的热点。

    The Creation of large multimedia information makes the content-based retrieval technology become a research focus .

  20. 教育信息多媒体化与教育资源网络化相结合的原则。

    Second , the multimedia form of educational information should be connected with the educational resources in internet ;

  21. 用户代理的多媒体化是建立多媒体电子邮件系统的关键。

    The key to combining multimedia computation with electronic mailing system is to build a multimedia user agent .

  22. 硬件实验教学系统多媒体化&多媒体数字逻辑电路实验系统的实现

    Multi-Media in Hardware Experiment Teaching System & The Realization of the Multi - Media Digital Logic Circuit Experiment System

  23. 信息技术教育中很重要的一个组成部分就是教育内容的数字化、多媒体化、信息化。

    A great constitutional part in the education of information technology is the applications of digital techniques , multimedia and network .

  24. 因此,当前计算机教育应用发展模式的发展趋势就是多媒体化与网络化,并且二者日益紧密地结合起来。

    The trend of the application and development of computerized education should aim at its multimediunization and cyberization , or their close combination .

  25. 随着网络教育的发展,教育资源形态也向着数字化、多媒体化、网络化、主题化的方向发展。

    With the development of network education , the educational resources are also developed toward digitalization , multimedia , network-based and subject-oriented direction .

  26. 它运用丰富的符号,实现了传播的多媒体化,特别是网络语言更是对传统传播符号的革新与超越。

    It uses plenty of symbols , makes multi-medium come true , especially the Internet language which reforms and surpasses traditional communication symbols ;

  27. 高等院校作为知识的传承地和信息集中地,其多媒体化资料日益丰富,甚至膨胀。

    Multimedia materials of university , which is the fields of knowledge heritage and information distribution , are increasingly rich and even inflated .

  28. 该分层网络模型的建立使得构建数字化、网络化、智能化、多媒体化视频监控系统成为可能。

    The layered network model presented here makes it possible to construct a real digital and network and intellectualized and multimedia video surveillance system .

  29. 以信息技术为基础,呈现多媒体化、网络化、智能化发展特征的教育技术因之日益受到人们的重视。

    In particular , information-technology-based teaching methods , which involve multimedia , networking , and artificial-intelligence technologies , are receiving more and more attention .

  30. 手机功能的多媒体化发展,移动通信的宽带化发展,为手机与二维条码的结合提供了基础。

    The development of mobile phone multimedia functionality and broadband mobile communications provides the basis for the combination of mobile phones and 2d barcode .