- 网络Electronics enthusiasts;Electronic Fans

He wrote his book to show electronics enthusiasts how they could soup up their primitive home computers of the early 1980s to run powerful three-dimensional software suited to graphical modelling .
A few Java tricks can increase a programmer 's " miles per gallon " when working with reports from spreadsheet lovers .
Mr Higgins , a video games enthusiast and stay-at-home dad , who had previously worked in finance ad & # 173 ; ministration , has become a munitions expert , tracking the Syrian war from his home in Leicester in the UK .
It allows e-sports fans around the world to compete from home or their training facilities .
The first is a standard prototyping " breadboard . " If you 're an electrical engineer or electronics hobbyist , you 're undoubtedly familiar with these already .
About one in10 videogame players show signs of addictive behavior that could have negative effects on their family , friends and school work , according to a new study .
If the average revenue per enthusiast grows faster and jumps to $ 7 , eSports will be a billion dollar business by 2017 with even more growth potential going forward .
The findings , published in The New England Journal of Medicine , call into question the claims by e-cigarette enthusiasts that the devices may be better than traditional quit aids at helping smokers to stop .
E-cigarette fans proudly point out that these devices produce water vapor rather than smoke .