
  • 网络Multiculturalism;cultural pluralism
  1. 对国家一体化和多元文化主义理论与实践的评价和思考

    Evaluation and Thinking of National Integration and Multiculturalism in Theory and Practice

  2. 多元文化主义与外语文化教学策略

    Multiculturalism and Its Impact on the Culture Strategies in the Foreign Language Teaching

  3. 一个叫作是移民ZF改革研究会的组织已经成立,背后的支持者是移民政策批评家和一些多元文化主义者。

    A new group called the Centre for Immigration Policy Reform , whose backers include a critic of immigration and multiculturalism , has been set up .

  4. 批评家们主张多元文化主义促进竞争和分裂。

    Cultural pluralism , critics contend , promotes rivalry and divisions .

  5. 族际政治视野中的自治、共治和多元文化主义

    Autonomy , Co-Government and Multiculturalism from the View of the Inter-Ethnic Politics

  6. 论比较教育研究中的多元文化主义研究范式

    On the Comparative Education Research in the Paradigm of Multiculturalism

  7. 多元文化主义对族裔少数群体权利的理论建构

    The Theoretical Construction of the Multiculturalism on the Group Rights of Ethnic Minorities

  8. 但这是一个安全问题,而多元文化主义是一个社会问题。

    But this is a security problem and multiculturalism is a social question .

  9. 多元文化主义强调平等对待各种语言,保护濒危语言。

    Multiculturalism emphasizes equal treatment of all languages and protection of endangered languages .

  10. 多元文化主义主张文化多样、民族平等和少数族裔的权利补偿。

    Multiculturalism advocates cultural diversity , nationality equality and right compensation of minorities .

  11. 本文以加拿大多元文化主义政策为例,分析多元文化主义与整合的关系。

    The article analyzes the relations between multiculturalism and integration through Canada multiculturalism policy .

  12. 在这部分,作者试图证明英属殖民地时代政治原则与多元文化主义政策之间的联系。

    I try to find the relations between the political principles and the proclamation .

  13. 在此背景下审视英国多元文化主义的历史很有意思。

    The history of multiculturalism in Britain is interesting to examine in this context .

  14. 作为一项公共政策,多元文化主义包含政府为了对这种多样性作出回应而制定的各项措施。

    As a public policy multiculturalism encompasses government measures designed to respond to that diversity .

  15. 反多元文化主义与美国的忧患情结

    Anti - multiculturalism and American Anxious Complex

  16. 多元文化主义的内涵概括起来,可以归纳为两大部分:平等与融合。

    The connotation of multiculturalism can be summarized as two parts : equality and integration .

  17. 第一章,导言。简要介绍作者的生平,以及作品的主要内容,多元文化主义理论,文献综述。

    Chapter one briefly introduces the author , the novel , multiculturalism and literature review .

  18. 民权运动是多元文化主义兴起的直接原因。

    The civil rights movement is the direct cause of the emergence of the multiculturalism .

  19. 澳大利亚多元文化主义的启示

    On revelation of Australia pluralistic culture

  20. 多元文化主义与科学教育改革

    Multiculturalism and Reform of Science Education

  21. 多元文化主义对多民族国家政治整合的启示&以美国和加拿大为例

    Multiculturalism Inspired the Political Integrating of the Multi-nationality Countries & Taking USA and Canada as examples

  22. 因此她的文化身份显示出矛盾性,是东方主义与多元文化主义的结合。

    Therefore , the cultural identity of Amy Tan is an ambivalence of Orientalism and Multiculturalism .

  23. 试析美国多元文化主义论争中的保守主义立场而我国政府却对商业方法专利保护持相对保守的态度。

    On the Conservative Attitude toward Multiculturalism in the USA But China remains much conservative attitude .

  24. 美国多元文化主义理论再认识

    A New Understanding of American Multiculturalism

  25. 所以认识多元文化主义,了解其在全球化趋势下的作用,对于文化研究有重要意义。

    So there is important significance to understand multiculturalism and its roles under the trend of globalization .

  26. 本文认为多元文化主义促进民族融合,促成和谐社会的建立。

    This paper considers multiculturalism as a successful policy to encourage ethnic integration in the multiethnic Montreal .

  27. 另一方面,特鲁多创造出了世界上第一个官方的多元文化主义政策以促进融合

    Then part two , Trudeau created the world 's first policy of official multiculturalism to promote integration

  28. 美国多元文化主义起源研究

    The Origins of American Multiculturalism

  29. 浅析后现代语境下的多元文化主义&从亨廷顿《文明的冲突》谈起

    A Brief Analysis of Multiculturalism on the Context of Postmodernism & from " The Clash of Civilization "

  30. 多元文化主义虽源于加拿大,但作为政府的一项政策,却在澳大利亚得到充分的发展。

    Though multiculturalism originated in Canada as a government policy , it has been fully developed in Australia .