
  • 网络Duolun;duolun county
  1. 基于3S技术的多伦县植被覆盖度动态变化研究

    Dynamic Change of Vegetation Coverage based on 3S Technology in Duolun County

  2. 基于遥感和GIS的土地利用/覆被变化研究&以内蒙古多伦县为例

    Study on land use and land cover change based on remote sensing and GIS & A case study of Duolun County in Inner Mongolia

  3. INAA研究内蒙古多伦县春季大气气溶胶分布特征及来源

    Study of characteristics and sources of aerosols in Duolun by INAA

  4. 多伦县植物资源及生态恢复变化的研究

    Studies on Plant Resources and Ecological Environment Recovery Variety in Duolun Country

  5. 多伦县风蚀地貌及风蚀量评价研究

    Evaluation on Wind erosion Landform and Amount of Wind Erosion in Duolun

  6. 多伦县沙质草原植被的变化趋势分析

    Analysis on the Changing Tendency of Sandy Grassland Vegetation in DuoLun County , Inner Mongolia

  7. 多伦县农作物产量与耕地面积具有显著的正相关关系。

    The crop yield were marked positive correlation with area of ploughland on DUO LUN county .

  8. 内蒙古多伦县耕地数量动态变化及驱动因子分析

    Analysis of Dynamic Change and Driving Force of Cultivated Land Quantity in Duolun County of Inner Mongolia

  9. 以多伦县退化草地为研究对象,探讨围封措施对土壤化学性质及植被的影响。

    The influence of enclosure on soil fertility and vegetation character in the degenerative meadow is researched .

  10. 农牧交错带土壤营养元素分布及其改善途径&以内蒙古自治区多伦县为例

    Distribution of available soil nutrients in Duolun County located in the interlaced area of agriculture and pasture and reclaimation measure

  11. 多伦县地处北方典型草原区与华北旱作农业区的过渡地带,属于生态脆弱区,其草地退化、沙化特征具有一定代表性。

    Duolun Country lying in the ecotone between grassland and the dryland agriculture region in Northern China is an ecological fragile zone .

  12. 农牧交错带农作物施用微量元素肥料增产效果研究&以内蒙古自治区多伦县为例

    Increasing yield effects of applying trace element fertilizers to agricultural crops in the interlaced area of agriculture and pasture-A case study from Duolun County , Inner Mongolia Autonomous region

  13. 在位于北京以北约322公里处的多伦县等地,植树造林项目似乎取得了成功;在过去17年里,政府种植了260万棵树木。

    They seemed successful in places like Duolun County , some 322 km north of Beijing , where the government has planted 2.6 million trees over the past 17 years .

  14. 中国北方农牧交错带经济发展模式探讨&多伦县防治沙漠化和发展农牧区经济调查

    On the Model of Economy Development in the Agro-pastoral Ecotone in the North Part of China Research on Preventing Controlling ring Desertification and Developing the Economy of Farming and Pastoral Areas in Duolun County

  15. 研究地多伦县由于其独特的地理位置和地形地貌,在中国北方沙漠化研究领域尤其是草原沙漠化研究中起着十分重要的作用。

    The studied site ( DUOLUN county ) has distinct geographical position and special terrain and geomorphic , so studying in this area plays the important role in the research on the sandy desertification in northern China , especially for grassland .

  16. 在实地考察研究之后,笔者对内蒙古多伦县旅游资源特征进行了比较细致的分析,对当地旅游业可持续发展规划要点进行了阐述,最后笔者对保护和合理开发利用旅游资源提出一些合理化建议。

    The author made detailed analysis on the features of tourism resources of Duolun County of Inner Mongolia discussed the main points of sustainable development planning of local tourism industries and proposed some suggestions on the protection & development of tourism resources .