
chénɡ shì fánɡ yù
  • urban defense
  1. 这堵墙曾是城市防御系统的一个重要组成部分。

    The wall was once an important part of the city 's defences .

  2. 人们在哥诺德帕的发现是无比惊人的:巨大的宫殿群废墟、房子和商店的地基,还有用于城市防御的厚墙和高塔残骸。

    What was found at Gonur-depe was amazing : the ruins of a huge palace complex , the foundations of shops and houses , the remains of thick walls and towers that fortified the city .

  3. 目前我国城市防御洪涝灾害的能力大大滞后于城市社会经济的高速发展,城市建设和发展缺乏可靠的防洪安全保障。

    At present , the ability of flood disaster prevention in cities of China greatly lags behind the rapid development of society and economy , the construction and development of cities lacks reliable safety ensurence in flood prevention .

  4. 这个城市的防御工事必须加强。

    The defenses of the city must be strengthened .

  5. 这城市的防御工事很坚固。

    The defenses of the city are strong .

  6. 中国古代城墙是出现于冷兵器时代用于城市周边防御的大型构筑物,是城市的主要防御体系,是中国建筑文化的重要遗存。

    The ancient Chinese city wall is a great defence used to during the cold weapon days around city , it is the major defence system of city , the important heritage of Chinese architecture culture .

  7. 21世纪中国城市海洋灾害防御战略研究

    Research on the Defence Strategy for Marine Disasters in Chinese Cities in the 21st Century

  8. 该模型的建立,为城市的震害防御提供了可靠的模型支持、技术支持及数据支持。

    The establishment of the spatial analysis and evaluation model can provide credible model , technologic and statistic support for urban earthquake prevention project .

  9. 在危险性评价的基础之上,建立灾害预测预报和监测系统,进而应逐步建立和完善城市地质灾害防御系统。

    Based on the risk assessment , we should set up hazard forecasting and monitoring system and set up and perfected the geologic hazard preventing system .

  10. 本文从扬州城的历史沿革论述了扬州宋三城的城市布局和防御设施。

    This article discusses the city layout and defense system of Yangzhou from the historical evolution of Yangzhou , which was composed of three cities in the Song Dynasty .

  11. 近代新疆城市具有军事防御、交通与商业枢纽等突出的个性功能,由军城向治城转变、商业职能强化、功能综合化是近代新疆城市功能的变迁趋向。

    Military defense , transportation and commercial hub were prominent personality function of modern city , change from " army city " to " governance city ", strengthen business function and colligate function were the change trend of city in modern times .

  12. 由于建在山中,这座城市能有效地防御外部袭击和沙尘暴。

    Built with a perfect defense against external attacks and sand storms .

  13. 城市安全和灾害防御是十分重要的工作。

    Civil Security and Disaster Protection is one of the most important tasks .

  14. 城市自然灾害及其防御对策

    City Natural Disaster and the Countermeasures for its Prevention

  15. 城市地震灾害及防御对策浅析

    Preliminary discussion on Urban Seismic disaters and the Countermeasures

  16. 这些的当中是黄泉城市的城垛和防御。

    One of these is the battlements and defenses of the city of Dis .

  17. 因而,在国家防灾减灾工作中,将城市作为中心和重点,不断增强城市防御灾害和减轻灾害的能力,是国家现代化建设的一项战略性任务。

    The open-up policy is implemented by these cities . Therefore , it is a strategic task on national modernization construction to regard cities as the focus of the disaster protection and alleviation .

  18. 强化城市灾害应急管理能力研究构建城市灾害综合防御体系

    Strengthening the Study of the Ability of Urban Disaster Emergency Administration and Constructing the Synthetical Preparedness System of Urban Disasters

  19. 城市天然气管网系统的抗震能力直接影响着城市震害防御的总体性能和震害的损失程度,对其进行抗震能力评价是城市制定防震减灾决策的重要依据。

    The seismic-prevention ability of urban gas pipeline network system directly affects the general earthquake prevention capability of cities . Thus , its seismic performance appraisal is of great importance in decision-making of urban earthquake prevention .

  20. 以城市主要功能为依据,近代新疆城市类型可划分为综合型中心城市、交通枢纽城市、商业城市、军事防御城市和一般行政中心城市五大类。

    According to main function of city , the modern city type can be integrated into five class , such as the central city , transportation hub city , commercial city , military defense city and general administrative center city .