
  • 网络Urban Designer;Architect
  1. 城市设计师的教育:建筑师还是规划师?

    HO CHI WING ( Hong Kong ), Educating the Urban Designer : as Architects or as Planners ?

  2. 丹尼斯·皮帕兹:很显然,对城市设计师而言,很重要的一项功课就是要熟悉当地历史、文化和城市建设。

    Pieprz : Obviously an important part of the task of an urban designer is studying history and culture and city-building .

  3. 20世纪90年代,美国学者R.V.George从更贴近现代城市设计师工作方法与过程的角度,提出城市设计是一种二次订单设计(Second&OrderDesign)。

    In 1990s , the American scholar R. V. George suggested that urban design is a ' Second-Order Design ' from the perspective of working method and process closer to modern urban designers .

  4. 相比智慧城市设计师通常运用的屏幕、感应器、微芯片和大数据,丹·罗斯格德(DaanRoosegaarde)使用的工具更加别出心裁:吞噬雾霾的机器、发光浮游生物和太阳光敏油漆。

    Rather than the screens , sensors , microchips and Big Data typically employed by Smart City designers , Daan Roosegaarde works with a more fanciful tool kit : smog-eating machines , light-emitting plankton and solar-sensitive paint .

  5. 论城市设计师的知识结构

    On the knowledge structure of the urban designers

  6. 我是一位建筑师和城市设计师,在我身后的便是孟买这座大城市。

    I 'm an architect and urbandesigner , and right behind us is the great city of Mumbai .

  7. 建筑师和城市设计师应采取积极的行动,使城市坡面在城市物理空间和城市自然环境中发挥其应有的作用。

    Architects and urban designers should take positive action to make sure Urban Ramp play a more effective role in urban space .

  8. 城市设计师的核心角色是一个常常能够整合不同领域的专家的工作的人物。

    The central role of the urban designer is to serve as the one who can often integrate the work of a diverse range of specialists .

  9. 各平台的实践主体与城市设计师组成城市设计的实践团队,实践团队中城市设计师的作用在于协调各方利益,以实现城市建设的经济效益、环境效益与社会效益的共赢。

    The practice body in every plat and urban designers constitute the practice group of urban design in which urban designers harmonize multilateral interests in order to achieve economic , environmental , and social boom .

  10. 对于当代城市,设计师所面对的挑战就是如何为新开发项目提出一个整体、统一的户外环境架构体系。

    For up-to-date cities , a challenge which architects are facing is how to develop a new program providing a whole , uniform outer environmental system .

  11. 犹他大学城市规划设计师里德尤因2010年所作的分析表明,如果市中心得到进一步发展,人们驾车的里程数会减少。

    People would drive less if the centers of cities were more developed , according to a 2010 analysis led by urban planner Reid Ewing of the University of Utah .

  12. 当城市规划者和设计师们专注于将城市变身为庞大的机器工业巨人时,他们也使农村变成了凶猛的野兽。

    While planners and urban designers obsessed with transforming cities into engineered monsters , they have left agricultural regions to grow into feral beasts .

  13. 马斯达尔是在沙漠上建起的半完工城市,由总设计师NormanFoster主持规划,包罗万象地涵盖了城市的功能,有一个中央控制中心来监控和规范整个城市。

    Masdar is a half-built city rising out of the desert , whose planning – overseen by the master architect Norman Foster – comprehensively lays out the activities of the city , the technology monitoring and regulating the function from a central command centre .

  14. 因此创造以人为本、人性化的城市空间对城市设计师至关重要。

    So for planners it is critical to create a people-oriented and humanism urban space .

  15. 在整个城市里,舞台设计师、音乐家、电影制作人、木偶师与说唱歌手正在打破各种风格与传统的边界。

    All over the city , choreographers , musicians , filmmakers , puppeteers and rappers are bursting the boundaries of these styles and their conventions .

  16. 上海的民居除了弄堂外,大楼公寓式民居则体现了近代建筑艺术的高雅华丽,能反映上海城市风貌和建筑设计师的独具匠心。

    In addition to alley houses , the old Shanghai apartments also display the grace and beauty of modern architectural arts , reflecting the cityscape and the ingenuity of designers .

  17. 如何进行历史文化名城保护与泉水资源的开发利用,解决此矛盾,摆在城市决策者与设计师的面前。

    How to develop and utilize for the protection of historical and cultural city and water resources , to resolve this contradiction , placed in front of the city decision makers and designers .

  18. 城市设计的规划需要城市设计师、建筑师、景观建筑师、规划师、市政和环境工程师、市场分析专家的跨行业合作。

    Urban design plans require interdisciplinary collaboration among urban designers , architects , landscape architects , planners , civil and environmental engineers , and market analysts .

  19. 因而笔者认为,在现代城市设计中,建筑师和城市设计师们应当对台阶这个最古老的建筑元素付出更多的关注,使其在城市公共空间设计中发挥应有的价值。

    Therefore , in modern urban design , the architects and urban designers should pay more attention in the design of urban steps , making which more valuable in our city .

  20. 为了恢复城市生活的魅力,重建多功能的街道空间,城市设计师提出了一种新的街道设计范式&城市主义街道设计范式,并在世界各地获得了广泛的认同。

    In order to revitalize urban life and rebuild a multi-functional street space , urban designers put forward a new paradigm of urbanism , which is now accepted across the world .

  21. 生态城市与绿色建筑的概念提出以来,城市规划师与建筑设计师对大量新建项目的环境影响投入了极大的关注,却忽视了旧城更新与改造过程当中的建筑废弃物的因素。

    Since the concepts of ecological city and green building , the city planners and architects have been paying much attention to the environmental impact by the new built projects , while ignoring the building rubbles during the old city renewal .

  22. 论文通过对城市设计概念的讨论和实践的学习,提出并分析了作为城市设计师应具备的知识结构。

    The knowledge structure of the urban designers is discussed based on the analysis to the concept and practice of urban design .

  23. 随着改革开放城市建设的迅猛发展,一个多元建筑并存的态势已不可阻挡,城市设计师对现代城市设计开始了深入的思考。

    With the rapid development of the urban construction , the situation of multiculturalism architecture has come forth irresistibly , so the urban devisers have started to speculate on urban design .