
  • 网络urban setting
  1. 本文以BRT技术组成特性和应用模式为基础,分析BRT在中国城市背景下应用的可行性。

    In this paper , the application feasibility of BRT is studies based on its characteristics and developing modes .

  2. 城市背景山体缺口水土保持生态环境建设问题的探讨

    Soil and Water Conservation and Ecological Environment Construction of Pit in the Urban Background Hill

  3. 论文的第二部分探讨了上海独特的城市背景及其文化氛围。

    Part two is focused on the special metropolitan background of Shanghai city and its cultural atmosphere .

  4. 在城市背景下,个人有着强大的力量,可以作出有益于大众健康的变化。

    Individuals are a powerful force within urban settings making changes that have enormous health benefits for us all .

  5. 大西北特殊气候环境下的遗址博物馆设计不同于城市背景下的博物馆的设计。

    It is different to design the ruins museum under the background of northwest of China than the city .

  6. 如果考虑到最近城市背景的大学毕业生比农村背景的毕业生薪水高出20%,差距看起来就显得更大了。

    And the gap looks even wider when considering that recent graduates from urban backgrounds earn around 20 percent more than their rural peers .

  7. 生态城市背景下的地方高校校园景观建设探讨&以皖西北高校校园景观建设为例

    Discussion on Campus Landscape Construction of Local Colleges under the Background of Ecological City & As An Example of Campus Landscape Construction of Local Colleges in Northwest of Anhui

  8. 考虑特定的沿海城市背景,还需着重考虑不同天气条件下,城市热岛环流和海陆风对不同粒径的气溶胶输送及光化学烟雾形成的影响。

    For special coastal cities , Aerosol transportation and photochemical smog formation shall be considered from the influence of urban heat island current and sea-land wind under different weather conditions .

  9. 针对浅层地震资料目的层较浅、叠加次数少和城市背景干扰大等特点,文中对速度分析的参数选取问题进行了研究。

    Considering the properties of low stack folds , shallow objected layers and big background noise of shallow seismic data , the parameters selection for velocity analysis is studied in the paper .

  10. 上个世纪80年代以来,具有现代思想结构与城市背景的女性作家的文学写作,是我国女性亚文化生产、传播与发展的主要阵地与重要渠道。

    From 1980s , the writings of woman author who has modern mind and the background of city life is the main field on the female subculture producing , spreading , and developing .

  11. 在智慧城市背景下,随着现代科技的不断发展进步,各企事业单位都建立了各自的信息系统,实现了数据的信息化和网络化管理。

    Under the background of intelligent city , with the continuous development of modern science and technology progress , all enterprises and institutions have established their own information system , realized the data informatization and network management .

  12. 基于GIS的城市化背景下的村域农用地评价

    Evaluation of Farm Land under Urbanization Based on GIS

  13. 本文简单介绍了数字城市的背景和理论基础,并对常用的Access、SqlServer、Oracle数据库进行对比分析与研究,总结了各自的优缺点;

    In this paper , the background and theory of digital city is introduced simply . Then several general databases , such as Access , SQL Server , Oracle are analyzed and studied . At the same time , their advantages and disadvantages are summarized .

  14. 通过对RBD规划和建设资料进行系统归纳和分类比较,对城市更新背景下的RBD进行了分类研究,在此基础上对不同类型模式的RBD规划进行了探讨,从而提出相应的改进意见和建议。

    After systematic generalization and assorted comparison of various RBD planning under the background of the urban renewal , constructive ideas and suggestions for improvement are presented .

  15. 本文以北京的现代化城市为背景,选取北京的3个清真寺社区为主要调查对象。

    Mosque communities in Beijing are chosen as the main respondents .

  16. 城市化背景下西北少数民族文化的保护与开发利用

    Protection and Development of Northwest Ethnic Cultures against Urban Cultural Background

  17. 城市化背景下流动人口社会融合问题分析

    On Social Integration of Mobile Population against the Background of Urbanization

  18. 城市化背景下我国环境侵权救济制度的完善

    Perfection of Environmental Torts Relief System in the Context of Urbanization

  19. 阿拉伯城市文化背景专家组会议

    Expert Group Meeting on the Cultural Context of the Arab City

  20. 城市运营背景下土地管理绩效评价的研究

    Study on Performance Appraisal of Land Management Under the Urban Operation Background

  21. 城市化背景下居住空间分异现象研究

    On the Residential Spatial Differentiation Phenomena under the Urbanization Background

  22. 几个场面都是以温哥华的城市为背景的。

    The city of Vancouver was in the background of several scenes .

  23. 城市化背景下城市边缘带土壤资源数量及质量变化研究

    Study on Change of Soil Resources Quantity and Quality in the Peri

  24. 当代城市化背景下的中原城市群经济整合研究

    Economic Integration in Zhongyuan Urban Agglomeration in the Situation of Contemporary Urbanization

  25. 快速城市化背景下上海崇明植被覆盖度景观格局分析

    Vegetation coverage landscape pattern of Chongming in the background of fast urbanization

  26. 城市化背景下甘肃省土地利用程度分析

    Land Use Degree in the Urbanization Area of Gansu Province

  27. 城市化背景下近30年武汉市湿地的景观变化

    Landscape changes of Wuhan wetlands in 1978-2007 with the process of urbanization

  28. 快速城市化背景下的西安市工业用地时空演变分析

    Temporal-Spatial Evolution of Industrial Land in Xi'an City with Background of Rapid Urbanization

  29. 城市化背景下商务园的空间结构与形态特征解析

    Analysis on Spatial Structure and Morphological Characteristics of Business Park in Urbanization Backgrounds

  30. 在城市化背景下的老龄人口问题会议

    Conference on Ageing Population in the Context of Urbanization