
pō lù
  • Eld's deer;slope deer
  1. 用内源指示剂(AIA)法测定坡鹿对混合饲草常规养分的表观消化率。

    Proximate nutrients digestibility was determined by the method of AIA .

  2. 海南坡鹿生理生化正常值的研究

    Studies on Physiologic and Biochemical Values of Hainan eld 's deer

  3. 海南坡鹿半散放饲养管理

    Feeding Management of Semi Captive Hainan Eld ′ s Deer

  4. 关于坡鹿还有一个感人的爱情传说。

    There is touching love folklore about the Eld ` s deer .

  5. 那里生活着大约1000只海南坡鹿。

    Around 1000 Hainan Eld 's Deer live there .

  6. 海南坡鹿对生境的选择

    Habitat Selection of Hainan Eld ′ s Deer

  7. 死亡动物中包括三只坡鹿。

    They included three Eld 's deer .

  8. 海南坡鹿食性的研究

    Feeding habits of Hainan thamin deer

  9. 海南坡鹿围栏种群动态与食物资源关系的初步分析

    A preliminary analysis on relationship between population dynamics of Hainan eld 's deer and food resources in enclosure

  10. 围栏内海南坡鹿饲草常规养分消化率测定

    A Study on Proximate Nutrients Digestibility of the Forage Grazed by Hainan Eld 's Deer in the Enclosure

  11. 海南坡鹿对采食部位的选择与饲草酸性洗涤纤维含量的相关性

    Correlation between the selectivity to the grazing part of the forage by Hainan eld 's deer and ADF content

  12. 草本和灌木类饲草的营养价值与海南坡鹿对饲草选择性的关系

    Study on the Nutritional Value of Grass and Shrub Forage Correlated to the Forage Selectivity by Hainan Eld 's Deer

  13. 海南坡鹿喜欢在日出日落时出没,这也为游客的观赏提供了绝佳时机。

    They like to walk around during sunrise or sunset which is also a perfect time for visitors to watch them .

  14. 海南坡鹿具有极高的科学和药用研究价值,因而被我国政府列为国家一级保护动物。

    Hainan Eld 's Deer is listed among the Grade I animals by China government for its values in scientific and medical researches .

  15. x~2检验证明,坡鹿喜欢在中生性热带草食生境中采食,避开砂生灌丛林生境。

    X2 test revealed that the deer strongly selected feeding habitat . They preferred to feed in the tropical grasslands and rain forests .

  16. 通过对海南坡鹿资源、保护管理现状的论述,提出海南坡鹿的保护对策。

    This paper presents a general description on the status quo of Hainan Elder 's deer and puts forward the countermeasures for its conservation .

  17. 对海南坡鹿饲草资源量的研究表明,大田保护区围栏内坡鹿喜食的灌木类饲草的可采食资源量在逐步减少,这是由于它们被坡鹿长期选择性采食所导致的。

    However , the palatability of the Datian shrub species and eld 's deer 's prolonged feeding on it gradually reduces the precious forage resources .

  18. 海南坡鹿美丽优雅,行动敏捷且擅长跳跃,它们拥有敏锐的视觉、嗅觉和听觉。

    It is a graceful type of deer , swift and elegant , and also good at jumping . They have very sensitive vision , smell and hearing abilities .