- Slope deposit;slide rock

One kind of mineral with strange morphology was found in the clays of the B horizon of a red soil derived from olivine basalt and the gley horizon of a gleyed paddy soil developed from olivine & basaltic slope deposit in Mingxi county , Fujian province .
And that those gravel silty clays distributed above 190 m of the rock surface are residual , colluvial and talus deposits ;
We analyzed the distribution of major elements in the red-clay profile . The results indicated K 2O varied in consistence with Fe 2O 3 and Al 2O 3 in red clay . Their contents are slightly high in the slopewash zone and distinctly high in the eluvial zone .
Effect of Infiltration into Cliff Debris on the Stability of Slope
Study on the rough concentration process for the residual ILMENITE PLACER
Rocks and stones were rolling down the hillside .
Correlation Analysis on Physical Mechanic Parameters of Residual Clayey Soil in Karst Mountainous Area
Techniques for Construction in Hole of Tunnel with Macadam Sand Clay Formed from Strong Weathering-Breaking Talus Slope
They bear significant prospecting and study importance because of their simple mining conditions and easy ore processing .
Study on the Cracking Process of Purple Shale and the Characteristics of Alluvial Purple Soil Developed From Suining Group
The highest grade of the deluvial tin placer lies in the part adjacent to the ore-bearing mother rock ;
While basalt was weathering , gemstones were separated from it , and formed gemstone deposit in eluvial and alluvial sediments .
Investigation indicates that : talus material , residual deposit and strong weathering bedrock are material base of clastic flow landslide ;
Practice of beneficiation of clayey eluvial talus tin ores absorption characteristics of Fe-Mn oxides in residual soils and its significance in geochemical prospecting
Among them , SOM content showed obvious scale effect from alluvial deposit , residual and e deposit of granite , et al .
Intense weathered granite residual soil is widely used in the construction and has an important meaning to take advantage of mechanical property for road construction .
Based on the forming mechanism of this type , it indicates that fine disseminated gold deposit is probably hosted near the weathering residual gold deposit .
The landslide is translational along the declining interbeded shale layer , consisted of the old sliding and falling accumulation in the upper and the bedrock on the bottom .
The landslides of the loose pile layer and man-made are strong , then the bedrock landslides of Xigeda Formation clay rock and sandy shale strata and coal strata .
Researches show that the south of the Katangan copper-cobalt belt between Kolwezi and Likasi in Central Africa is a region of prospecting potential for the elluvium-deluvial cobalt deposits .
Based on the theory of fractal geometry , branching patterns of primitive Abies fabri in the dark coniferous forest ecosystem at the upper reach of Yangtze River were studied .
According to the characteristics of the crude ore , study on the mineral processing methods for the residual ilmenite placer , study on the rough concentration process and the results are introduced .
When rainstorms persist , such soils will start to slide down the slope and be eroded , and furthermore , they rush down and form slurry , thus giving rise to slope mudflow .
Most of the indicator elements for gold deposits are basically concentrated in residual soil and clinosol of - 20 mesh and meadow surface soil of - 5 ~ + 20 mesh , representing proximal sediments .
The Heping Square landslide is to be found a loose accumulation body mixed , which comprised human activity accumulation , collapse-slide accumulation , weathering residual deposits and alluvium by making use of comprehensively investigation methods .
Several large and middle residual gold deposits hosted in Quaternary accumulation layer have been discovered in southwest of Guizhou . They have the characteristics of wide distribution , large scale , lower grade easy mining and benefication .
The result of variance analysis , applied to growth of different varieties of lacquertree , shows that the deep medium loam yellow cinnamon soil and clinosol yellow cinnamon soil are the best soil for the growth of lacquertree .
Through the front slope of the analysis can be seen integrated in the natural conditions of stability , in the tunnel above the Ministry of Construction to the destruction of the tunnel clearance slump rather than the occurrence of landslide .
In the same type of forest land , the effective water sustaining water of soil in slope deposit is 3 ~ 4 times more than that of drift soil , which should be given more attention in forest management and development .
The STK content in the soil of different parent materials was residual and slope deposit of slate > residual and slope deposit of sandstone > residual and slope deposit of granite > diluvial deposit > alluvial deposit in the Quaternary System ;