
  1. 我们家的人没坐五月花来,但他们却是接这条船的。

    My folks didn 't come over on the Mayflower , but they were there t meet the boat .

  2. 坐地铁要花较长时间,而坐公车就快得多。

    It took forever by subway , but the bus is way faster .

  3. 坐飞机需要花十多个小时到那。

    It takes us more than ten hours to get there by air .

  4. 另外一些旅馆客人坐在条纹花阳伞下面。

    The other hotel guests sat under striped umbrellas .

  5. 坐地铁要花多长时间?

    How long it will take by subway ?

  6. “弗雷德,坐飞机要花十块钱,那可是十块钱啊!”艾瑟儿又这么回答。

    " Fred , that airplane ride cost ten dollars , and ten dollars is ten dollars ," Ethel replied .

  7. 一些当地人和那些参观者喜欢坐在酒吧花上几小时饮两杯为的是寻求一份心灵的清静。

    Locals and visitors alike sit for hours over a drink in one of the bars , watching nothing much happen .

  8. 但是,每天坐在一起花三个小时聊体育或是八卦是没有效率的,我这不是夸张。

    But , sitting around every day for 3 hours discussing sports or gossip is not productive . This is not an exaggeration .

  9. 每年玛格都会说:“我知道,汤姆,可是坐飞机要花十块钱,十块钱也是钱。”

    And every year Marg would say , " I know , Tom , but that airplane ride costs ten dollars , and ten dollars is ten dollars . "

  10. 我们都想重看一遍,但是计划产生得这么快,我们工作进度也很快,所以我们根本没有时间坐下来,花八个小时重看电影。

    We all wanted to , but the project came up so fast and we were moving so quickly on it , we just didn 't have time to sit down for eight hours to review the films .

  11. 坐巴士回家就花一块钱。

    It only takes one Yuan to go home by bus .

  12. 坐飞机去北京花了我们三个小时的时间。

    It took us three hours to go to Beijing by air .

  13. 坐飞机去深圳花了我们五个小时。

    It took us five hours to fly to Shenzhen .

  14. 坐宇宙飞船要花三天时间到达月球。

    It takes more than three days to get to the moon by spaceship .

  15. 我每天坐公车上学要花大约二十分钟。

    It takes me about twenty minutes to get to school by bus every day .

  16. 根据堪萨斯州州立大学对90位女性进行的一项研究发现坐在一束花旁边的女性在打字时要比没有花在旁边的女人会更放松。

    Women who sat near a bouquet of flowers were more relaxed during a typing assignment than women who didn 't have flowers , according to a Kansas State University study of90 women .

  17. 出国旅行坐飞机要比坐火车所花的时间少得多。

    The trip abroad to take the plane can save time than takes the train .

  18. 而玛莎每年都会这样回答他:“费伯,我知道你想坐那架飞机,可是坐飞机要花50块钱呢,50块钱啊。”

    And every year Martha would say , " I know Ferber , but that airplane ride costs fifty dollars , and fifty dollars is fifty dollars . "