
dì yù ɡuǎn xiá
  • territorial jurisdiction;district jurisdiction
  1. 仲裁不实行级别管辖和地域管辖。

    The jurisdiction by level system and the district jurisdiction system shall not apply in arbitration .

  2. 近年来,地域管辖权冲突现象日渐突出。

    Recently , it is more obvious that the conflict of the district jurisdiction .

  3. 民事地域管辖:理念的转换与制度的完善

    Civil Regional Jurisdiction : Changing the Idea and Perfecting the System

  4. 贪污贿赂案件侦查地域管辖制度的构建

    The Construction of Regional Jurisdiction System for Corruption and Bribery Investigation

  5. 跨国知识产权侵权管辖原则的新发展&对传统地域管辖原则的突破

    New Orientation in Jurisdictional Principle for International Infringement of Intellectual Property

  6. 地域管辖权问题的实践解读

    Practical Interpretation of the Jurisdiction within Territory in Civil Action

  7. 网络侵权纠纷案件的地域管辖问题在理论界和实务界争议颇多。

    The territorial jurisdiction of cyberspace tort disputes have caused many debates .

  8. 论网络侵权案件地域管辖权的确定

    The Case of Network Encroachment Right of the Region Jurisdiction

  9. 浅议海事行政处罚中的地域管辖

    Some Views on the Territorial Jurisdiction about Maritime Administrative Penalties

  10. 刑事案件地域管辖权冲突及其解决机制

    The Collision and Solution of Region Jurisdiction on Criminal Case

  11. 下列海事诉讼的地域管辖,依照以下规定。

    The maritime territorial jurisdiction below shall be conducted in accordance with the following provisions .

  12. 法律援助在地域管辖上确立了以被请求人所在地法律援助机构管辖的原则,不实行级别管辖。

    The jurisdiction of legal aid belongs to the organization to which the applicant appeals .

  13. 中国古代的审判管辖包括级别管辖、地域管辖和专门管辖三类。

    The trial jurisdiction system in ancient China consisted of rank jurisdiction , area jurisdiction , special jurisdiction .

  14. 我国的民事诉讼地域管辖制度存在许多弊端,亟需进行修改与完善。

    Territorial jurisdiction of the civil system has many drawbacks , an urgent need for change and improvement .

  15. 网络侵权案件的地域管辖

    Jurisdiction of Cyber Infringements

  16. 其二,界定一般地域管辖、特殊地域管辖、专属管辖、协议管辖之间的关系。

    Second , between limits general region jurisdiction , special region jurisdiction , exclusive jurisdiction , agreement jurisdiction relations .

  17. 在修改《民事诉讼法》时,应当对环境民事诉讼的地域管辖作出合理规定。

    During amending the Civil Procedure Law , we should correctly stipulate the territorial jurisdiction of civil environmental suit .

  18. 文章涉及的管辖冲突也只包括地域管辖冲突,不包括级别管辖上的冲突。

    The jurisdiction conflicts involved in this paper also only include regional jurisdiction conflict , not including level jurisdiction conflict .

  19. 对于公司强制清算案件的管辖应当分别从地域管辖和级别管辖两个角度确定。

    The jurisdiction of mandatory corporate liquidation cases shall be determined from the perspective of territory-based jurisdiction and hierarchy-based jurisdiction respectively .

  20. 在本章第四部分,笔者分析了传统民事地域管辖与法律适用制度的困境。

    In the section 4 of this article , the author analyzes the difficulty of traditional civil territorial jurisdiction and law application .

  21. 虽然《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》在2007年进行了修改,但在这次修改中未涉及地域管辖部分。

    Although the " PRC Civil Procedure Law " was amended in 2007 , but is not involved in the territorial jurisdiction to modify parts .

  22. 首先,对动产抵押权登记的申请权和地域管辖进行了分析和说明,主张我国应建立登记请求权制度。

    Firstly , the essay explains the right of application and the territorial jurisdiction , holding the opinion our law should prescribe enrolling claim right .

  23. 其中,最先也是最直接与网络无界性接触并产生问题的是地域管辖的确定。

    The determination of district jurisdiction is undoubtedly the first , and also the most direct , problem arising from the unbounded space of network .

  24. 现行《民事诉讼法》中的地域管辖制度是以法院为中心设置的,已经不适应民事纠纷解决的现实需要。

    In actual Civil Procedure Law the civil regional jurisdiction is prescribed around the court and has been already unaccommodated to the need of the resolving disputes .

  25. 在民事诉讼实践中,我们面临的首要问题就是:指导传统侵权之诉的地域管辖规则在网络侵权案中是否仍然适用?

    In judicial practice of civil procedure , a tough question was produced as whether the traditional rules of territorial jurisdiction for infringements apply to the cyberspace ?

  26. 第三部分从诉讼的管辖入手,分析介绍了股东知情权诉讼的级别和地域管辖两个方面。

    The third part of the proceedings of the jurisdiction from the start of the proceedings described the shareholders the right to know both the level and territorial jurisdiction .

  27. 在泰国,对不涉及不动产或与此相关的权利和利益的诉讼,由被告住所地或诉因发生地能行使地域管辖权的法院管辖;

    In Thailand , actions not involving immovable property will be instituted in the court within territorial jurisdiction where the defendant is domiciled or where the cause of action arises .

  28. 首先分析了该类诉讼的受理范围与受理条件,并对该类诉讼的级别管辖和地域管辖提出了自己的见解。

    First , the author analyzes the accepting range and condition of this kind of proceeding , and put forward the opinion of the level and district jurisdiction of such proceedings .

  29. 网络侵权案件确定地域管辖的关键是遵循网络数字传输规则,找到网络与具体地域之间的实质性关联。

    The key of determining of the territorial jurisdiction for net infringement case is to abide by the regulation of net digital transportation so as to find the substantive association between net and specific region .

  30. 有关不动产或其他与不动产有关的权利的诉讼,由有地域管辖权的被告住所地法院或不动产所在地法院管辖。

    Actions concerning immovable property or rights or any other interests relating to immovable property will be instituted in the court within territorial jurisdiction where the de-fendant is domiciled or where the immovable property is situated .