
  • 网络Regional Competitiveness
  1. 驻香港的地区竞争力专家迈克尔•恩赖特(MichaelEnright)讲述了他在一家工厂的参观经历。

    Michael Enright , a Hong Kong-based regional competitiveness expert , tells of a visit to one factory where a press had broken down .

  2. 创新集群、合作网络与地区竞争力

    Innovation Clusters , Cooperation Networks and Regional Competitiveness

  3. 该调查发现,东盟(Asean)十国将会成为珠三角地区竞争力下降的最大受益者。

    The 10-member Association of South East Asian Nations ( Asean ) is set to become the biggest beneficiary of the delta area 's waning competitiveness , the survey found .

  4. 区域经济合作已成为当前提高地区竞争力的主要手段。

    Regional economical cooperation has already become a main Approach improving area competition currently .

  5. 地区竞争力评价系统的建立及吉林省实证分析

    The Constrction of the Area Competitive Appraisal System and the Analysis of JiLin Province

  6. 产业集聚与地区竞争力研究&兼论鹰潭铜产业发展的途径

    Study on Industrial Agglomeration and Regional Competitiveness & Development of Copper Industry in Yingtan

  7. 因此,论文对发展产业集群增强西部地区竞争力影响进行了论述,并提出西部地区发展产业集群的对策和建议。

    Therefore , the paper discussed the influence on the western area competitiveness from the developing the industry clusters .

  8. 产业集群不仅在许多地方构成区域经济的基本空间,还常常是地区竞争力之所在。

    Industrial cluster has formalized the basic space in many regional economies , and it is also the place where the regional competition lies in .

  9. 最后,根据地区竞争力理论建立了计量经济学模型,分析出吉林省地区竞争力较弱的根本原因。

    Finally , set up econometrics model in regional competitiveness theory of the foundation of this text , find out Jilin save regional competitiveness strong basic reason .

  10. 现代物流的发展已经成为影响地区竞争力的重要因素、成为提升地区综合竞争力不容忽视的方面。

    The development of modern logistics has been an important factor affecting the competitiveness of the region , enhanced the competitiveness of the region which could not be overlooked .

  11. 装备制造企业为国民经济各部门提供技术装备,是制造企业的核心组成部分,是增强国家和地区竞争力的基础。

    Equipment manufacturing always provide technical equipment for National economic sectors , it Is a core component manufacturers and is to enhance the competitiveness of the national and regional basis .

  12. 虽然百联集团和农工商等拥有很多的店铺,但是,单店的竞争力及地区竞争力无法和外资企业相比。

    Although the BAILIAN and NONG GONG SHANG have a lot of shops , however , the single shop competitiveness and area shops competitiveness cannot be compared with foreign enterprises .

  13. 当今时代,区域之间的竞争,归根到底是人才的竞争,人才已经成为一个地区竞争力的重要战略资源。

    Nowadays , the competition between area , in the final analysis is the competition of talents , the talent has become a regional competitiveness of the important strategic resources .

  14. 在地区竞争力的定义和地区竞争力系统层次结构图的基础上,将地区竞争力理论与多元统计中的主成分分析理论相结合,构建出地区竞争力的评价模型指标体系。

    Later , the theory in the regional competitiveness was combined with main composition analytical method theory in pluralism is counted ; design the appraisal model of the regional competitiveness .

  15. 为提高地区竞争力和改善投资环境,采取措施促进商会、行业协会、企业集群、非政府组织以及企业和产业支持机构等中间性组织的发展,是一项关键性的战略选择。

    It will be a crucial strategic choice to promote the inter-firm organizations such as chamber of commerce , guilds , company industrial cluster , nongovernmental organizations and other supporting institutions .

  16. 欧元区依赖于对世界其他地区竞争力提升的经济复苏策略,可能会因汇率的上升受到严重削弱。

    The eurozone 's economic recovery strategy , which depends on an increase in competitiveness against the rest of the world , could be critically undermined by a rising exchange rate .

  17. 随着知识经济化、信息经济化的到来,科技人力资源越来越成为一个国家或地区竞争力的重要指标。

    With the coming of knowledge economization and economic information , human resources of science and technology have become a more and more important index of a country or region competitive capacity .

  18. 各国学者在研究国家和地区竞争力的基础上发现,很多国家和地区同一产业和相关产业的企业在空间上相互接近,具有地区甚至国家竞争优势。

    While studying the competitive power of nation and region , researchers of different countries find that many nations and regions possess great competitive advantages when the same or interrelated enterprises are located closely in space .

  19. 并应用地区竞争力评价模型指标体系及主成分分析和因子分析方法对全国30个地区的数据进行了分析,得出吉林省在全国地区竞争力中的排名。

    Adopt regional competitiveness think model and main composition analysis with factor analyze theory analyze to the whole country 30 a large number of datum of district later . Obtain the rank saved in the national competitiveness in Jilin .

  20. 在这一背景下,兴建高新技术开发区成为一股涌动的世界潮流,成为推动高新技术及其实现产业化发展、提升国家和地区竞争力的一种战略选择。

    In this context , the construction of high-tech development zones becomes a surging global trend , and it also becomes a strategic choice of its implementation for promoting the high-tech industrial development and enhancing the competitiveness of countries and regions .

  21. 随着知识经济的到来,高技术革命给人类社会带来了巨大的变化,科技创新能力已经取代自然资源成为国家或地区竞争力的决定性因素。

    With the knowledge economy , knowledge-base economy arrival , high technological revolution has brought about gigantic change , the scientific and technological innovating capacity already substituting natural resources the decisive factor becoming the country or area competition for human society .

  22. 产业集群作为一种新型产业组织形式,在满足多样化的市场需求和提高地区竞争力方面有着自身的强势,因而它在世界许多地方生长、壮大,为所在地区和国家的经济发展做出了重大贡献。

    As one new industrial organization form , industry cluster has many advantages on satisfying diverse market and enhancing the local competitive power , so it grows and expands in many regions and nations around the world and makes significant contribution to their economical development .

  23. 对地方政府公信力进行评估,既是投资者进行投资决策分析的需要,也是对地区竞争力进行客观分析的需要,同时也是地方政府认识和改进自身信用状况的需要。

    Evaluate public trust of local government , since the need that investors carry on the investment decision and analyse , go on need that analyse objectively to regional competitiveness too , local government know and improve one 's own credit need of state too at the same time .

  24. 我国地区工业竞争力差距的CIP指数分析

    Exponential analysis of disparities among the regions with CIP

  25. 基于TOPSIS法的地区科技竞争力的综合评价

    Research on the Competitiveness of Science and Technology for Different Regions based on the TOPSIS Method

  26. FDI的流入不仅在一定程度上提升了地区产业竞争力,而且增强了区域的整体福利和可持续发展能力。

    FDI inflow not only upgrades one region 's industry structure in some extent but also boost up the region 's whole welfare and the ability of sustaining development .

  27. 发展产业集群提升欠发达地区产业竞争力

    Developing Industry gathering improving less developed district 's industry competitiveness

  28. 发展物流业,提高西部地区企业竞争力

    Development Logistics Industry , Promote West Local Enterprise Competitive Ability

  29. 贵州喀斯特地区旅游竞争力评价与对策研究

    Study on evaluation and countermeasures of tourist competitiveness in Guizhou karst area

  30. 西南地区海港竞争力对贵州陆港的引力分析

    Competitiveness of Seaports in Southwest Area and Attraction to Land-Port in Guizhou